Forbidden. (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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First chapter of New Fanfic!! yay! SO everyone please tell me what you think and if you tell ur friends to read this fanfic then I will love you forever! Okay you can now read the first chapter of Forbidden( dun. dun dunnnn. I dont know I felt like I should do that. Im wierd)

Leanne’s POV

Walking into this huge stadium brings me chills just thinking about who I am about to see within these next few hours. I look to my right to see all my friends laughing with the biggest grin on their face. In this moment it felt like everything was finally right after everything that has been going on recently. Stop thinking about that. Just think of whats going to happen tonight. I keep saying over and over in my head but before I can even think anymore I notice that I’m finally here. What I have been waiting for, for the past year. Its finally come. The day I finally get to see One Direction live in concert.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 , I see on the screen, my heart racing faster than it ever has before. Honestly in those 5 seconds, I though it was possible for my heart to fall out of my chest. As the 1 finally disappears off the screen, I finally see 5 boys coming out singing the lyrics of Na Na Na. “AAHHHHHHHHHHHH,” me and all of the girls in the stadium yell just in shock that we are seeing these beauteous boys right in front of us. The rest of the night felt faster than someone saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and before I knew it I was already in my car on my way home. 

“Leanne! Can you run to the store and get me some milk real quick?,” I hear my mom yell before I even take two steps into the house. You lazy asshole. Go do it yourself. Oh how I wish I could say that but then where would I go? My parents divorced when I was 7 and after that I just lived with my dad. I never saw my mom because she went and ran off with some rich guy so I had no interest in her at all but all that had to change when my dad died in a car accident last year. Everyday I have the guilt of feeling like it was my fault. He was coming to some party to pick me up because everyone got drunk and I didn’t want to be there anymore but on the way there some drunk driver crashed into him. So now I’m stuck with my bitch mom who always tries to control me but I must listen or she will take away my phone, car, computer, and everything else that  actually has some meaning to me. 

Milk. Milk. Milk. Milk. I say to myself scanning the aisles. Seriously I have checked everywhere in this store. Do they sell milk. Of course Leanne. Its a grocery store. Obviously they sell milk. I keep looking through the aisles not really paying attention to anything but then BAM. “oowww,” I whisper quietly feeling my head. Well, probably going to get a bump now. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you, I was just trying to find the milk. I haven’t seen it anywhere,” I hear the unknown man say in a British accent. Weird. This is America. I laugh to myself hearing that he can’t find the milk too. “It’s fine, I wasn't really paying attention and I’m looking for the milk too! I have looked every..” and that’s when I look up and see his gorgeous green eyes looking down at me. “Every what? Sorry I didn’t hear you,” he chuckles but I am lost at words. The Harry Styles is standing right in front of me and I go on about some rant about milk. Smart. Lets talk about milk when there is a sex god standing right in front of you. “Everywhere,” I say quickly still in shock. “I’m Leanne by the way,” I say getting up and putting my hand out for him to shake but instead I am embraced by two large arms. AHHHHHHHH. HOLY SHIT. STAY CALM. UGGHHHHH HE SMELLS SO GOOD. Vanilla and mint I think. He backs away and says, “I’m Harry.” I smile widely just thinking of how many girls would dream to be in my position. “Sooooooo. milk.” I say regretting the words that just came out of my mouth. “I have to go , I’m sorry.” I mumble walking away, to embarrassed to even look at him.  At this point I don’t even care about the milk. I just need to get out of this store as quick as possible. I run to my white mercedes and get in  quickly looking around for the nearest different grocery store. In the distance I can just make out the words- VONS. I turn around and head straight to the flashing sign. 

“Here!” I scream walking into the house and just giving my mom the milk. She didn’t say a word. Not even a thank you. What a great mom.

Harrys POV

Just as I’m about to walk away from Leanne, I notice something laying on the floor. I look closer and notice a phone sitting there. I dig through my pockets and pick out my phone which means it can’t be mine. I pick up this phone and click the home button to see a picture of 4 girls smiling brightly at the camera and thats when I notice her gorgeous blue eyes. She probably dropped it when she fell! I slide the screen and luckily there is no password so I go to her contacts and find Mom(THE BITCH). well thats an interesting contact name. I click call and finally someone picks up. “Hello. This is Valerie speaking.” “Hi, I was wondering if you have a daughter named Leanne?” I say scared for her reply. “Yes, who’s asking?” She says in a rude tone. “Im Harry. I found Leanne’s phone and just wanted to return it. Is there somewhere I can maybe drop it off?” “Yes. Come to Lagoon Park. I will send my daughter there to pick it up.” “Are you sure you don’t want me to drop it off at your house? It will be easier,” I say. “Yes. I’m sure. Don’t want anybody having my address. I will send her there now so be there in 10 minutes. Bye.” She states rudely and before I have a chance to say anything she hangs up. I don’t know why but for some reason I was excited to see her again. Even though I had only met her once. I already missed looking into her dazzling blue eyes.

So What did everyone think?? Please comment and vote below! Hope you liked it:)

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