01. First Meeting Fail

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Hiya! It's Cheri!
This is my first ever fanfic, like ever XD
So please take it easy on me!
Before we begin I'd like to give a quick shoutout to my friends who helped me come up with these scenarios and have the Creepypasta's personalities be accurate! Please consider going and following my friends SuperNovaWolfie  and LosingOurSouls . Anyways enough rambling on, now here are your scheduled scenarios! 💖
This scenario, and many others contain swear words. If you do not feel comfortable with swearing please proceed with caution or just simply do not read this scenario.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/B/N = Your Best Friend's Name
B/N = Brothers Name
C/N = Cousins Name
You and your best friend, Y/B/N, were walking home from school together. As you were walking you two came to a fork in the first road, " Well I have to go this way. " Y/B/N stated, pointing to the road on your guys's left. You nodded and said your goodbyes to each other, you stood there for a few seconds watching your friend go in the opposite direction, you sighed and trudged on the path to the right. You hated going down this road, not because it was long or anything but because of the forest that lies on the right side of it, you had heard rumors about a mysterious man living in there that would have people play a stupid game with notes where at the end once you collected all of them you'd get kidnapped. You shivered at the thought of it, games were suppose to be fun and playful not dark and sad. You didn't even realize it but you had got lost in thought for so long, that once you looked up and observed your surroundings, you were right beside said forest. You looked behind you and it dawned on you that you had traveled a long way on the road and didn't even realize it. You looked back at the forest, noticing something on one of the trees closest to the road, your curiosity got the best of you and you went to go check it out. Once you got close enough to the note you read what it said and were taken aback, the disturbing message of " Help me " was scribbled on the sheet, due to the sloppiness of the words you figured the author of the note was in a hurry to write it. The more time you spent inspecting this piece of paper the more you wanted to take it, involuntarily your legs started to move you forward towards the note. Before you could even comprehend what was happening your hand was already reaching up to snatch the note right off of the tree, but before you could a loud static filled your ears. You cried out in pain, the static was so loud it felt as if it was in your head. You covered your ears in a sorry attempt to block out the noise, but of course it didn't work. Eventually the noise died down and you felt like you could finally hear yourself think without the disturbance of the static. You sighed in relief, the pain was gone but what was left in it's place was a feeling of uneasiness. You felt like someone was watching you, so you looked behind you and saw no one. You assumed it was just the side effect of the static from before, but as you were turning your head fully around to face the tree with the note on it you saw a man, no not a man, a creature. The creature had skin as white as newly fallen snow, and was adorned in a suit of black that appeared was in perfect condition. The creature was as tall as the trees that surrounded you two, and by it's sides hung a pair of very lanky arms and equally as lanky legs held the thing up. The thing that frightened you the most was it's face, or lack of to be exact. This THING didn't have a face! No facial features were where a face was suppose to be located! You screamed out in surprise, you started to back up but tripped on a rock and fell flat on your ass. Almost as if on cue, the static noise started back up causing you to grimace and shut your eyes. The creature started to move towards you, but due to you having your eyes closed you were unaware and vulnerable. You finally gathered up enough strength and opened up your eyes, you became quickly scared shitless when you noticed that the creature was not where it was before and it was in fact moving towards you. You quickly got up, turned around and ran the rest of the way towards your neighborhood. Once you reached your doorstep you looked around you frantically, not searching for someone but rather SOMETHING. As soon as you came to the conclusion that the creature didn't follow you, you unlocked your door and stepped inside your house, embracing the feeling of familiarity and warmth.
Jeff The Killer:
You were currently looking around the cabinet under the sink for a particular item, your hair dryer. But no matter how hard you looked, you just couldn't find it! Eventually you had just came to the conclusion that one of your family members had taken it and didn't put it back. So you decided to go look for it, after all you didn't want to catch a cold because you went to bed with wet hair especially considering
it was in the middle of the school year and mid terms were coming up, and quickly. You opened up the bathroom door and the cold air of the hallway clashed with the warm air of the bathroom from your shower you had taken a few minutes prior. You walked down the hallway, your bare feet touching the cold wood of the hallway's floor made you grimace and shiver. At the end of the hallway was the living room, your older brother.
B/N was sitting on the couch watching Pokemon. " B/N have you seen my hair dryer? " you asked, " Nah, sorry Y/N haven't seen it. " B/N replied " Maybe mom has it, you and her are really the only ones that use that fucker. " and so with that suggestion in mind you went to go find your mother. You looked everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE, the kitchen, the bathroom, her bedroom practically every room in the house. Finally you gave up and decided to hell with it, at this point you were tired and wanted to go to bed. So you returned to the once warm atmosphere of the bathroom to find it had cooled down, and turned off the light. You trudged up the stairs and did a slow sluggish turn to your right and went to your room. You opened up your door and stepped in your bedroom to find one of your windows were open. You stood there confused on who could've opened your window but were quickly pulled out of thought by your door getting slammed behind you, you attempted to turn around but were stopped in your tracks by someone putting their hand over your mouth. You tried to scream but your attempts were fruitless because of the hand placed over your mouth muffling every sound coming out of your oral cavity. Soon the hand was moved away from your mouth, but what wasn't at your mouth was made up for at your neck. The hand that was once covering your oral cavity now held a knife to your throat, " Scream and I'll slit your throat right here right now. " said your captor in a hushed tone. Just by them saying that you were able to figure out your captor was a male, which gave you an idea.
" Why are you doing this? " you asked in a fake scared tone. " Did I say you could talk bitch?! " your captor whispered-yelled " No, but you didn't exactly say I couldn't. " you remarked. Apparently being sassy while a knife is being held to your throat was the wrong choice because the only thing you got out of that was the knife being held tighter to your pharynx. The knife blade was now digging into the tender skin around your neck and causing it to trickle blood. You knew you had to do something and quick, unless you wanted to fall victim to this prick, which you weren't going to allow to happen. You noticed that you weren't that shorter than you captor, probably only 2-3 inches shorter, so with that in mind you took your idea from earlier and put it into action. With one swift kick of your leg, your foot came in contact harshly with your captors groin. He instantly fell to the ground, but in the process cut your neck pretty deep. But the adrenaline from the situation and your determination to not die numbed the throbbing pain. You quickly grabbed the knife that was on the floor covered in your blood, dearming your previous captor, and once you had the knife in your grasp you let out the loudest scream you could. The scream alarmed your older brother, mother and father, probably some of the neighbors as well. Your father was the first to come rushing in, " Y/N what's wrong?! " your father asked frantically, you quickly pointed the bloody knife in the direction of your captor still on the ground, curled up in a ball holding his groin. At this point both your mother and older brother were in the room realizing the situation, your brother looked up from the man laying on the floor to you quickly noticing the cut on your neck, " Uh....Y/N you have something on your neck..." B/N stated quietly. Your mom took notice of your brothers statement about to question until she noticed the cut " Oh my god! Y/N your neck! It's bleeding! " she yelled at this point the adrenaline and determination, which had acted as a short term pain killer, had worn off and you were now starting to feel the pain originating from your neck, the loss of the blood probably wasn't helping either since you started to feel a bit woozy. Your mother quickly rushed to your side to stop you from falling over and injuring yourself further. Outside you could faintly hear the sound of police and ambulance sirens thanks to your open window, apparently your captor had as well and promptly got up. This was the first time you had seen his face, you looked at him and were frightened at what you saw, this boy's skin was as white as paper, he had a bloody smile carved into his face seemingly reaching from cheekbone to cheek bone, and his eyes, his eyes scared you the most, there were dark black circles around his eyes that never seemed to blink. The boy speedily ran out of your room laughing at your pain along the way, your brother chased after him but assumingely never caught up to him. The last few sounds you heard was a window breaking downstairs and the smash of the front door opening and police officers piling into your living room.
BEN Drowned:
" C'mon Y/N, it's just down here! "
C/N said excitedly. Right now you were being led, no DRAGGED down a flight of stairs into the basement. You and your mother were at your little cousins birthday party. The party's theme was 'The Legend of Zelda', so of course almost everything had Links face plastered on it, but there was occasionally Zelda's face on a few items here and there. Finally after what felt like forever you and C/N reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to head into the main part of the basement. The downstairs had a fully finished family room, complete with pristine white carpet, grey furniture and the biggest fucking flatscreen that you've ever seen mounted on the wall. In the basement were your other cousins, the oldest one being in 7th grade. C/N soon scampered off to be with his buddies, who similar to him, were dressed in Link's outfit complete with little elf ears that you could blatantly tell were fake due to none of them matching the kid that was wearing them skin tone. You found a little chair in the corner of the room and sat yourself down. As you watched your cousins play 'Majora's Mask' you began to doze off, soon you were fully asleep unaware of your surroundings. After what felt like only a few minutes, you awoke from your short slumber to realize that your cousins weren't in the basement anymore. You found it strange that none of them woke you up to tell you they were going upstairs, but soon brushed it off figuring they forgot you were down there with them. You stood up, stiff from sitting down for so long, and smoothed out your dress that you were wearing, the fabric that made up the dress was a beautiful shade of green with white horizontal stripes. You decided to go upstairs and see what was going on but as you were walking to the staircase something caught your eye, it was the TV which was displaying the pause menu. You never really got into video games but you didn't think your cousins would really mind if you played for just a FEW minutes. So you turned around and sat yourself down on the ground in front of the controller and picked it up. It took you a good couple of minutes to figure out what controlled what but you eventually figured it out. Once you got everything sorted you instantly got immersed into it, you thought this was the best thing ever! At some point while you were playing, the game started to glitch out, this started to make you anxious, 'What if I broke something?!' you frantically asked yourself in your head. Soon after the glitches happened the games screen faded to black and displayed the words 'You shouldn't have done that.' " What? " you inquired in a whisper, soon the words were replaced with new ones saying ' You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? ' again just like the last statement, it confused you. But not shortly after, the TV's screen went completely black " Shit. " you said under your breath. But soon that guilt that was building up inside of you due to you thinking you broke something,, was replaced with fear. A hand soon shot out of the screen and latched onto the frame of the TV, soon following another hand shot out and grasped onto the other side of the TV. You fought the urge to scream, you were in complete shock, not knowing what to do you just sat there staring up at the TV. Not that long after the hands had came out, a head protruded from the inky surface of the screen. The head had a face of pure nightmare fuel on it. The thing that appeared out of the screen, appeared to be a boy around your age, this BOY had the most beautiful locks of pure gold hair, his skin was fair and his eyes, his eyes were the purest black you've ever seen but in the middle of those black voids, were a pair of ruby red iris's. You noticed something dripping from his eyes and came to the conclusion that blood was dripping from his eyes, BLOOD! Fucking blood! You scooted back and came in contact with the leg of a chair, which stopped you from moving back any further. By the time you gathered your bearings the boy had already had his head, torso and arms out of the screen and was getting his legs through. The more you inspected him the more he looked familiar, you just couldn't pin it. The boy caught you staring and smirked a devilish smirk. Finally you knew who he looked like, he looked like Link! That realization made him a lot less scary, hell he was probably a party entertainer that his mother hired!
" Congrats, I don't know how you pulled that stunt off but props to you. How much is she paying you? " you sassily inquired. The link look alike once more smirked at you and started to approach you. As he was walking towards you, you could see he was leaving a trail of blood on the carpet
" SHIT! Do you realize what you're doing?! You're ruining the carpet! " you scolded, but apparently scolding him didn't leave an effect, since he carried on coming towards you. You soon realized that this was no party entrainer,
" You aren't a party entertainer, are you....? " you wearily questioned.
" What gave it away toots? " he cockily queried. You knew your life was in danger so you let out a blood curdling scream which caught the attention of the adults and children upstairs. The boy stopped where he was as he heard the adults come storming down the stairs, he turned around and ran for the TV, but right before he leapt back into the inky abyss of the screen he said " This isn't over, bitch. "
Laughing Jack:
The rusty bell on the run down candy shop's glass door rang loudly throughout the vacant room. You recently heard about this small little store on the outskirts of town, that surprisingly sold candy, you really don't know how you didn't know about this place sooner due to you being an acclaimed candy extraordinaire but that was besides the point. The second you stepped foot in the small little shop the glass door shut harshly behind you causing you to jump a little. The store was very quaint and cozy, there were about 5 shelves in total towering a tall 7 feet, each equally as packed full as the last. The store was quite dark, the only light that was illuminating the shelves, was the setting sun that shone through the fogged up glass. So as you fumbled your way through the isles, you picked out what candy you wanted and plopped them into a small little bag you had picked up at the door. After filling the previously empty bag to it's rim, you decided that was enough and went to the counter located at the back of the small store. You finally arrived at the counter after navigating your way through the shelves, for this being such a small store it definitely had a complicated layout. What felt like forever standing at the register a little old woman peered out from the back rooms doorway, once she noticed you she scampered her way towards you with the fakest smile plastered on her face. " Hello dearie! " she squawked out " Hello! " you responded. She grabbed your bag of candy that you had placed on the counter a few minutes prior, and glanced at it " That's a lot of candy for such a young lass like yourself! Don't eat too much or you'll get sick! " she teased, " Don't worry, I'll make sure not to! " you reassured her. As she was ringing up your candy a thought came to her head, " I'll let you have this candy for free if you can take a CERTAIN object off of my hands. " she stated, the switch in tone unnerved you a bit but you ignored the feeling. " Depends on what this certain object is. " you explained, with you saying that she soon disappeared below the counter and soon emerged with a box, " This is the item I want gone. " she declared " What is it? " you inquired, " It's a Jack-In-A-Box, the only one of it's kind... " she trailed off, having a quick glance at the box, you didn't see anything alarming about it's appearance, no blood, no carvings saying things, there was nothing about this box that seemed frightening in anyway. You thought for a few moments then finally spoke up " Fine. I'll take the box. " you announced, with that statement of yours her eyes lit up and she quickly shoved the box and your bag of candies into your arms,
" Thank you! Thank you so much! " she rejoiced. With that being said she ushered you out of her shop and back onto the sidewalk, slamming the glass door and locking it behind you. You glanced back at the shop to find her staring directly at you, signaling with her hands to scurry along, so you did just that. You started your long journey back to your apartment where you'd binge eat all the candy you had collected, completely ignoring the promise you made to the old lady before. As you were walking you started to question why the old that seemed so frantic to get rid of this Jack-In-A-Box, it seemed to be in pristine condition, but then again appearances can be deceiving. Then a ridiculous thought came to your mind
' What if this box was part of a murder and it's evidence somehow and that's why the lady was trying to get rid of it? ' you thought to yourself. You softly laughed at that nonsensical thought, what a silly little idea. You finally arrived at your door of apartment and took out your keys to unlock your door, due to your arms being full you had to put the box alongside the candy down on the floor next to the door. After fumbling with lock on your door you finally go it open, you picked up your items and headed inside. Your apartment was nothing less of a pigsty, clothes littered the floor alongside wrappers and books. Honestly you were too busy and stressed most of the time to even care what your place looked like, not like people came over anyways. You walked over to your coffee table and dropped all the contents of the bad onto it's surface, but for some reason deciding to hold onto the box. You were growing a bit tired but we're tired to change into any night clothes, so despite the uncomfortableness of your work attire you sat yourself down and turned on your box like TV. You sat there for a good couple of minutes, shoveling the candy into your mouth, while having your gaze fixed on the screen. But soon the unyielding discomfort of the clothes that were currently adorning your body got too much and you finally gave in. You got up and trudged to your room to change into whatever sleepwear you felt suitable, which tonight was a big shirt and underwear. As you were about ready to return to your show and sweets you remembered that you sat the box down on your nightstand, curiosity getting the best of you you picked up the box and started to turn the handle. The melody of 'Pop Goes the Weasel' soon filled your ears, loading you with some kind of nostalgia. On the last chorus you sang along " Pop goes the weasel! " you happily sang, when the music stopped the lid flipped open but....nothing popped out like it was suppose to,
" Fantastic! It's fucking broken! Just like everything else in my life.... " you trailed off, secretly you were hoping that something would happen in your miserable life but nothing did. So you sadly you put the box back on the nightstand and got up to leave, right as you were a step away from stepping foot out of your room, the box released some sort of smoke, your mind went racing with possibilities on what was happening but none of them seemed feasible. Soon after the smoke cleared, a monochrome clown replaced it. This clown was taller than your ceiling so it had to hunch over a bit. The clown had clothes consisting of striped sleeves, suspenders, feathered shoulder pads, shorts, striped stockings and a torso wrapped in bandages, all of these clothing items having one thing in common, all of them were shades of white and black. " What the fuck are you?! " you yelled " I am the one and only Laughing Jack-In-A-Box! But please call me Laughing Jack for short. " he stated. You had this feeling in your gut that this man, no clown, was not here to make your day or bring a smile to your face but do the opposite. You hadn't even noticed but your started crying, tears of fear rolling down your cheeks rapidly. The clown started to approach you and every step he took forward, you took one step back in hopes to remain some sort of distance from this CREATURE. But soon enough you had cornered yourself, with nowhere to go the clown started coming towards you at a faster pace. You honestly had nothing to lose so you let out a ear-raping shrill in a sad attempt at salvation. Somehow the scream immediately alerted your elderly neighbor who hurried over to your apartment and started to rapidly knock on your door, " Y/N are you alright in there?! " your elderly neighbor worriedly inquired. This sudden complication frightened Laughing Jack enough to go hurrying back into his box, and just like he came he went in a puff of smoke. Leaving you cowering in the corner while your neighbor was at the door.
'Definitely would've preferred if the box was evidence in a murder.' you thought saltily to yourself.
Eyeless Jack:
The smell of hand sanitizer and disease wafted into your sinuses as you walked into the waiting room. It was close to being dark and you being the unlucky soul you were, got stuck with the night shift as a Receptionist at a local hospital. When you arrived the previous receptionist Jean, was getting her stuff gathered up to go home for the night. " Heya Jean! " you greeted her, but all Jean did in return was her looking at you with a slight scowl etched onto her face, " Cheery as always huh Y/N? " Jean responded, you nodded your head and sat down at the computer behind the counter. This was your least favorite part of your job, waiting for someone to come in with some sort of injury. You silently waited there for about an hour or so but soon got bored and decided to doodle on a notepad, but sadly that soon too got boring. So you decided to take a nap, you hadn't been sleeping well the last few days so you were quite tired. You scooted the rolling chair back, put your feet up on the counter and laid your head back. It didn't take long to fall into a deep slumber which was a big relief. You knew if one of your supervisors caught you doing this you'd be fired on the spot, but you were 99.9% that none of your supervisors were in the building. So after a few hours you assumed you were brought out of your sleep by a loud crash coming from the second level, you got up as quickly as you could a rushed to see what happened, not even bothering to call a nurse. Once you reached the second level, the window at the end of the hallway was broken and glass covered the ground. Your instincts told you to go check it out and so you did. As you neared the scene you noticed that there was a black substance littering the floor. You didn't want to touch it in case it was some sort of acid, but it looked like it had the texture and color of tar. You looked around to see if there was anymore of it and to your luck, the 'tar' rounded the corner leading to a patients room. Being the curious person you were you decided to follow it, but not before you armed yourself with a scalpel from a rolling cart next to you. You slowly crept your way to the room, sticking to the wall as if your life depended on it. Once you reached the room you peered in a almost screamed. There was a person slightly taller than you, cutting into the patient with what appeared to be a scalpel. You stayed and watched what the person was going for and were surprised when they pulled out a kidney! They quickly put the organ down, and started to stitch the patient back up with tremendous skill. Saying you were impressed would be a major understatement. After the patient was sewed up, they turned back to the kidney next to them, lifted up their mask and took a giant bite out of the organ! You let out a barely audible gasp but it apparently loud enough for the person to hear, they turned around quickly and saw you peering in through the doorway. Them turning to face you gave you a good look at this person, they appeared to be a male. This boy had grey skin, razor sharp teeth, and adorned himself with a black zip up jacket and black skinny jeans with black Converses. You found out that this boy was the source of the black substance you found earlier, the substance was falling from his mask alongside where a normal persons eyes would be. He put down the kidney and readied his scalpel, you did the same. He charged at you scalpel in hand, you let out a yelp and ran down the hallway back to where you assumed he came in from. Once you rounded the corner you slipped and fell on the glass shards cutting yourself in the process. You shin started gushing out the magical red liquid your body contained. At this point the boy had slowed down and was down coming at you at a speed walking pace. Him slowing down gave you a bit more time to think, you then remembered, the rolling cart! You quickly grasped the rolling cart and harshly pushed it into the boy, causing him to tumble down. This have you just enough time to get up and start rapidly limping towards and down the stairs. You finally reached the reception counter and rushed towards the phone and dialed 911. You grabbed the phone and hid under the counter and used the rolling chair as some sort of blockade. " 911 what is your emergency? " the lady on the other line spoke up, " Hello?! Yes! There's this man with a scalpel chasing me! " you whisper-yelled " Okay Ma'm you're going to have to calm down and tell me your location. " she told you. You took a shaky deep breath in and slowly exhaled, behind you you could hear the boy walking around " I'm at Saint Blanche's Medical Center. " you said in a hushed tone, " Okay Ma'm the police are on they're way, I'm going to remain on the line with you if that's okay. " she reassured you. You happily sighed and agreed, she proceeded to ask you a few more questions until the police finally arrived. You could hear the sirens outside and could see the flashing red and blue lights being projected onto the wall in front you. The boy also heard and saw the police and promptly ran up the stairs and assumingely jumped out of the broken window that had previously served as his entrance.

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