When the Werewolf Howls

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This is the first story I have ever uploaded. So please be nice. Also please vote and comment.

  The wind howled around the trees and the harvest moon looked as if it could fall on the earth at any time.  I pulled my sweater closer around me.  "If this keeps up I'm going to have to get out my winter coat",  I mumbled to myself.  I had forgotten to turn on my front porch light. "Great",  I mumbled, as I walked down the lengthy pathway that led to the door.  After struggling with my keys in the dark, I entered the house and flipped on the light switch, bathing my petite living room in light.  I cautiously locked the door behind me.  I even engaged the security lock, which took a couple of minutes of fumbling because I've never used it and wasn't sure how it worked.  Usually, I'm not a skittish human being, but things weren't normal.  I had received this strange phone call at work.  "Beware of the howling dog", an unfamiliar voice had whispered on the other end of the line.  "What dog?",  I'd said, but the caller had hung up.  I stared at the receiver for a minute, then laughed.  But an hour or so later the phone rang again.  "Who is this?"  I demanded, but once more, the line went dead. I was annoyed, but I was angry too.  I've never been fond of practical jokes, and my friends know that.  Now, as I stood in my living room, that message jumped into my mind.  "What dog?",  I said out loud.  I don't have a dog.  But I kind of wished I did.  There was something about those calls that unnerved me.  How foolish, I thought.  That call was probably some friend who was willing to risk my fury to play a joke on me or some customer who was unhappy about an insurance claim.  The caller was just trying to scare me.  "Well, they succeeded,"  I mumbled as I took my sweater off and hung it on the hall tree by the front door.  It wasn't just the calls.  There had been other bizarre things that had happened in the past few days.   Like the snake slithering across my kitchen floor the other morning.  The can of coffee sitting on my kitchen counter today.  Not decaffeinated. I only drink decaffeinated.  I mean, sure the snake was harmless, but nevertheless, it was a snake, and I am not fond of snakes.  I went into the kitchen, looking about cautiously. Everything seemed all right.  I went to the refrigerator and poured a glass of orange juice.  I walked to the window and looked out.  The glass of juice shattered on the floor.

                 A shriek died in my throat as I stared at the enormous black wolf-like beast that stared back at me. It looked like a wolf but much, much larger. It had lengthy, damp, black fur and teeth and claws that looked razor-sharp. Its eyes were a yellowish- white and were bloodshot. It was the most horrifying thing that I have ever seen in my existence.  After a second or two I screamed and ran to find some ware to hide from the beast that was trying tiresomely to break into my cabin throw the windowpane.  As I was sprinting speedily throw the endless hallway I tripped and fell over a blouse that I had discarded on the floor that very morning "Great" I thought furiously to myself. As I tried to stand up I noticed the fiery burn that was coursing up my left leg from my ankle. "I must have sprained it," I thought hopefully to myself, praying that it was not broken. I could now hear the beast more noticeably now "Why must this happen to me" I said furiously to myself. After limping to the closet I locked myself in and through of a plan that with a bit of luck might save me from the beast. That now has probably made it thought the windowpane and is looking for me.  After a few minutes of planning, I know that I had to get out of this house and find someone or anyone that could save me from it. As I frantically looked throw the closet for anything that could help me I heard thunderous and weighty footsteps from the living room. I started to panic as I noticed that I might not make it through the night alive. I finally found a baseball bat and a flashlight in an old chest "Finally I might have a chance against whatever the thing is that is trying to get me."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I slowly got up using the baseball bat as a crutch and put my ear against the door. I could not hear the beast anymore "Hopefully it has left" I said quietly. Bit by bit I opened the door and peered out. I did not see the beast so I slowly limped out into the icy gusty hallway and made my way to the bedroom to get my cell phone to call the police. As I finally got there and looked around for about two or three minutes I remembered that I had broken my cell phone at work that morning. "Great know I'm out in the middle of no ware with whatever that beast is," I said furiously to myself. The only other phone in the cabin is in the kitchen so I started to make my way to the kitchen. I was about to make my way into the kitchen when I remembered the beast. I stopped for a moment and then realized that I either had to attempt to get to the phone in the kitchen or leave the cabin and get to the corner store and get assistance there. If I tried to get the phone I might run into the beat again and I did not want that to happen. On the other hand, if I tried to get to the corner store I'll have to go throw the forest also might run into the beast. Either way, I might run into the beast so I decided that I had a better chance of trying to make to the phone. I slowly limped throw the hallway that was deadly silent at the moment and made my way to the kitchen. When I finally made it there I was delighted. As I made it to the phone I heard a low growling noise right behind me. I froze and slowly turned a rounded knowing what I would see. An I was correct because staring me in the face was the beat. I also know knew that the beat was not just a wolf or a stray dog but a werewolf.

       I screamed and ran out the front door and made my way into the forest. As I ran I forgot about the ache that throbbed from my ankle. The only thing that I could think of know was the werewolf that was bolting after me. As I was running I was not looking where I was going. An and doing this I tripped and fell over a fallen log and fell down hard onto the jagged forest floor. Losing the baseball bat in the process of it. I tried to get up I noticed that my left leg would not respond.  I gradually looked down at it and noticed that my leg was twisted sideways. Know I could not feel the pain because of the adrenalin that was pumping throw my veins. As I laid there I felt a hot moist breath on my face I knew what it was. Remembering to know that I still had the flashlight with me. I turned it on and was staring face to face with what I had feared most the werewolf. The final thing that I remembered was the werewolf pouncing on me. Then after that, it all when dark.

            The next thing I knew I opened my eyes and noticed that I was not in the forest any longer but now I was laying on a bed in a white room. " Finally looks like you finally decided to wake up. You gave us quite a scare. You have been in a coma for two months." said a man in a lengthy white coat. "What happened? Where am I?" I frantically asked. "You're in a hospital some hikers found you. By the looks of your x-rays you have been mauled by a bear" said the doctor. After the doctor left I thought about what had happened. I knew I could not tell anyone without them thinking I was insane and I also knew that I was safe now and that the werewolf was gone. Thankfully I had made it out of this ordeal alive. That night as I fell asleep I looked out the windowpane knowing that the nightmare was over and I was going to live. As I drifted off to sleep I herded the far-away howling of a wolf.

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