New City, New Life

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"Goodness! We'll never finish unpacking.." I complained to my mom while setting down the old rocking chair next to the wall on the right side of the room. I took a glance at the cluster of boxes laying around in the "living room" of our new house, and took a nice sigh.

"We haven't been here an hour yet! Just have patience." My mom said, shuffing boxes around. "The house is going to look like one of those fancy ikea houses you see in the magazines once we're done." she said with the slickest smirk as she ripped the tape off of one of the many boxes laying on the middle of the floor.

I opened and reached my hand into a box of pictures. Interestingly, I found an old picture of me in 3rd grade. I laughed a little bit because of the ridiculous pigtails I wore with jean overralls and a striped shirt. But I must admit, I was a pretty cute kid.

"Mom, we can just throw this picture in the garbage right?" I laughed, raising the picture to show her.

She glanced and laughed with me. "Of course not! That's my favorite picture of you!"

I rolled my eyes and hung the picture on a nail that was pre-hammered into the wall. 

"Even better than those selfies you post on Facebook." she muttered under her breath jokingly.

I chucked a stuffed animal at her that was lying around on the floor. "Whatever mom!" I giggled.

"Mom!" Jackson, my little brother, shot down the stairs. "I'm done unpacking my room. Can I go outside and ride my skateboard?"

"Yes you may. But before you go outside I need to talk to you both." my mom stopped unpacking and sat on the couch set on the side on the livingroom.

"Now I know this is kinda sudden, but I've registered you both to schools." I walked over to where my mom was sitting. "Jackson, you'll be going to Wood Middle School. They have a great honors system and I know you'll do fine there. Sam, you'll go to North High School. It's a little bit bigger than the school you used to go to, but I think you'll like it." my mom explained.

That's one thing I didn't really think about when I we got here.. going to a new school. It's going to take some getting used to, but I love getting to know new people, so it shouldn't hurt too much. 

"School starts tomorrow at 8:10. The bus will pick you up right down the road at the stop sign at 7:25 every day, Jackson. Sam, the bus will be here to pick you up at about 7:50. I can't take you both to school every day now because of my new job, I'll be leaving for work before you guys even get up in the morning." she went on.

I'm going to miss those morning car rides. My mom was really good at waking us up with the smell of her coffee filling up the car and playing her surprisingly good taste of music very loudly.

"Your schedules are on the fridge. I'm expecting that you both will behave well," she said sternly.

She took a hard glance at Jackson, "especially to your teachers!"

Jackson lowered his head, guilty.

"Alright, you're free to go Jackson." mom waved him off. Jackson sped off outside with no hesitation.

I went back to unpacking all the pictures. I reached my hand in the box to find a picture of my mom with my dead father. My heart fell to my stomach for a moment. He... died from a car accident. It's actually quite a sad story, but it's unfinished. It was said that he accidentally drove his car off of a bridge. There was a whole investigation on the event, and it was said that he may have committed suicide, but why would he do that? He always seemed happy. Especially around my mother.

I looked at my father's figure. His neck length blond hair was slicked back in this picture, the way he always had it. I was always so jealous that Jackson got his golden blond hair and blue eyes and I was stuck with my mom's chesnut brown hair and green eyes. I took more of a detailed glance at him. Jackson always reminded me so much of him. They almost looked exactly alike. Jackson wasn't old enough to even remember when dad died, so whenever he gets brought up, Jackson would kinda just sit there, emotionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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