Remember This {G-Dragon One-Shot for NikoruChan}

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(A/N: I hope you don't mind but I'm going to put this in first-person point of view. I haven't done that with my others, but I am with this one it might make more sense for this particular one-shot. Hope you like it. ^_^ Oh! And just pretend this is in December, arasseo? xD)

I remember the first day I saw him. It was a little more than a year ago on December 2, 2011. I remember that day vividly, almost as if I were still there. I still get the cold sensation from being out on that snowy day. I could still feel the cool breeze wipping past me, threatening to give me frostbite if I stayed out there any longer. As I closed my eyes, I didn't even have to try and imagine it because it was as if the whole park was now in my sight...

~*Flashback to December 2, 2011*~

I don't know why I had decided to come out today, it was freezing! I guess I was just tired of being cooped up all day, even if it was to avoid the cold weather that got almost all of my friends sick in bed. But later on, I did not regret it.

The park was beautiful enough, but it was even better with the snow. The fountain was turned off and the water in it was frozen, but sparkling beautifully whenever the sun managed to escape from behind the clouds.

The whole ground was covered in a blanket of snow, not revealing a single blade of grass. Even the benches were buried under a mountain of snow, aside from a few that were taken by couples embracing the cool weather and enjoying being together.

I suddenly wondered, what is that like? What is it like to be able to go out into the cold, snowy weather with the one you love? What is it like to go out and not have a single care in the world other than the one you're with? What is it like having that one special someone in your life that you know will have your back forever?

Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of boyfriends. But none of them ever made me feel really, truly loved and appreciated. A few of them are still in my heart, no doubt, but to actually know what love is and what it feels like...That has to be really special.

I dug my thoughts away from all of that, not wanting to get depressed because I have none of that, and started walking through the park. Nearby, there was a man with a cart selling hot chocolate. He had so many coats on, he must have been prepared for a blizzard. Buying some would have been a waste since I have my own at home, so I continued on.

But before I could even tear my eyes away from the man with the cart, I ran into someone and something hot spilled all over me, obviously hot chocolate. I gasped and looked down at myself, seeing that my favorite winter jacket was now ruined.

The person who bumped into me gasped too, "Mianhae! I didn't see you there! Are you alright?" A male voice panicked. I looked up at him, wanting to know who it was. And as soon as our eyes met...I wasn't even angry.

I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes...And the whole world faded. As far as I could see, no one was around. It was as if we were the only people alive, the only people that mattered...I couldn't explain this feeling, but it was...different. It was a good different though.

His eyes looked lost for a moment, before he slightly shook his head and smiled a little, "H-Hi...Uhm, are you alright?" He asked, a genuinely concerned look on his face. I hesitated, still a little dazed, before shaking my head a little also and nodding. "It's just hot chocolate, it's not like I won't be able to wash it." I smiled back, wiping some of it off to avoid a permanent stain.

His smiled turned into a smirk and he bowed and stood back up to look me in the eyes once more, making my knees go weak. "I'm JiYong," he held out his hand, "But you can call me G-Dragon."

~*End Flashback*~

And that's how it all started. The relationship I mean. It surely was an interesting one, before and after he asked me out. It was like love at first site and not just because he was in a famous K-Pop group. I liked him even before I found out about that. Funny thing is, he asked me out on the same day he told me.

~*December 21, 2011*~

"You're in a K-Pop group?!" I exclaimed, not believing a single word. I had been friends with G-Dragon for a few weeks now and I'm just now hearing about this? How did I not know this sooner?

He nodded, a bit of guilt in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked. "Because I wanted you to get to know G-Dragon the person, not G-Dragon the famous K-Pop star." He said, emphasising the last few words. Well that doesn't make it sound so bad.

"I wanted to tell you, but I thought you would go all fangirl or something on me." He smiled a little, obviously intending for it to be a joke. I smiled a little too. Not because of the joke, but because it was true. I probably would have gone a little fangirl on him.

"Well I probably would have. But now that I've gotten to know you, I won't do anything like that. I promise." I smiled a toothy smile at him and he chuckled lightly. "Don't just sit there! Bring it here!" I exclaimed, my arms wide open. He laughed again, "What would I do without you?" He asked jokingly, hugging me nevertheless. "You would miss me." I answered, and I thought for sure I could feel him smile.

He pulled away and looked me in the eye, he looked a little nervous. But why would he be nervous? "Now that I've got that out in the open, can I ask you something?" He asked, fighting off the nervousness. I nodded, "Of course you can."

He took in a deep breath, and smirked at me. That caught me off guard, but he still seemed a bit nervous. "Seung MinJi, would you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked, still smirking but in a cheesy way.

My eyes widened and I smiled, "Are you being serious right now?" I asked, hoping he really was being serious right now and this wasn't a bet between him and another member of his band. He nodded and took my hand in his, "I'm being completely serious."

My smile widened and I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck, "Of course! I would love to!" I exclaimed, tightening my grip even more. He hugged back for a minute before saying, "You know, you're kinda choking me."

I gasped and pulled away instantly, "Sorry! I was just excited..." I started feeling my cheeks heat up and they must have been pretty red because he laughed and waved it away with his hand, "It's no big deal. I can see why you would be excited to date a guy like me." He smirked again and I lightly hit his arm. We both laughed and smiled at each other. And right then I thought, 'So this must be what love is like.'

~*End Flashback*~

I'm sure I could reminisce on a bunch of times we were together. Like when I met the band and they were teasing us, our first kiss, and Valentine's day. But I didn't really have time because there was a knock at the door. I got up off the couch and went to answer it.

I unlocked the door and opened it, revealing the smiling man himself, G-Dragon. And in his hand was a bouquet of purple flowers. "Happy Anniversery Jagiya!" He exclaimed, kissing my cheek and handing me the flowers.

I smiled at him and sniffed the flowers, "How did you know to get purple flowers?" I asked, still smiling at him. He just smirked and put his arm around my shoulder as I shut the door behind me, "I just happen to know my girlfriend." I laughed at him and we started walking toward the elevator.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked once we reached the elevator. He just smiled and turned towards me, "It's a surprise, but I know for sure that you'll never forget today." He exclaimed, seeming really excited about what we were doing and how I would react.

"No matter how good or bad it is, I know I'll remember this day forever." I told him, catching him off-guard by planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

(A/N: FLUFFINESS!!! xD I was tempted to do another flashback but decided not to, since it's already kinda long...Or at least I suspect it is o.O. I hope you like it! :D)

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