Chapter 1: Origin

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The date was around February, in 2003. An ambulance arrived at the Negi Root General Hospital. A 2-year-old boy was on a stretcher, fighting for his life.

Doctor: We're losing him! Get him to the emergency room, STAT!

Mrs. Nishiyomi: Is my little boy going to be alright?

Nurse: You'll need to stay out here, ma'am. We'll do everything we can to save your son.

Mr. Nishiyomi later came into the hospital with a sleepy Ame.

Mr. Nishiyomi: (in Japanese) What is wrong with Hougetsu, dear?

Mrs. Nishiyomi: (also in Japanese) I don't know. He just suddenly stopped breathing. I had to rush him to the hospital as quickly as I could.

Mr. Nishiyomi: Let's hope the doctors find out what's wrong. Let's go to the waiting room.

Mrs. Nishiyomi: Yes. Of course.

Meanwhile, in the operating room, the doctors were trying desperately to save Hougetsu.

Doctor #1: We're losing him.

A couple of minutes later, the doctors heard a flat line go off.

Doctor #2: Oh no.

Doctor #1: This is not good for the Nishiyomis.

Doctor #3: There is only one option left.

He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a jar of blood. The blood was orange in color.

Doctor #2: Is that...phoenix blood?

Doctor #3: What other choice do we have? 2 is a really young age to die.

Doctor #1: That's true. Let's give it a try.

The third doctor got a syringe and filled it with the orange substance. He then injected it into Hougetsu's bloodstream. Suddenly, the flat line was no longer a flat line.

Doctor #3: What the hell?! He's breathing again!

Doctor #2: Wait. Look at his arms.

He was right. Hougetsu's arms were turning into fiery wings. His legs were turning into talons. His nose and mouth were turning into a beak. Hougetsu opened his eyes, but instead of his normal purple color, they were orange.

Doctor #1: What have you done?

The bird cawed loudly, causing the three doctors to cover their ears. The bird then flew out of a window, causing half of the room to go on fire. 

Doctor #2: *cough cough* Find the fire extinguisher!

Doctor #3: I got it!

He managed to put out the fire before it got worse.

Doctor #1: Should we tell his parents that he escaped?

Doctor #2: Yes.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, the first doctor approached the Nishiyomis.

Mr. Nishiyomi: How is he, doctor?

Doctor #1: Well, the news we have might shock you. But...your son left the room.

Mrs. Nishiyomi: What? I don't understand...he wasn't even breathing!

Doctor #1: out.

Mr. Nishiyomi: Flew? You turned our son into a monster?

Doctor #1: More specifically, a firebird. Or a phoenix.

Mrs. Nishiyomi: But those birds are extinct now! The last of them had to be put down.

Doctor #1: I'm sorry, but I'm telling the truth.

Having no choice but to believe the doctor's words, the Nishiyomis went home. Hopefully Hougetsu returned there. Their car pulled up in the driveway and the family got out. Mr. Nishiyomi unlocked the door. All they heard was crying.

Mrs. Nishiyomi: Hougetsu!?

She ran upstairs to the twins' room. She found him back to normal and on the floor. She walked up to him and picked him up.

Mrs. Nishiyomi: It's alright, baby. Shh. Mommy's here.

She continued to rock him until he fell asleep.

Welcome to a new flashback story. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll see you in the next one!

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