Merchandise [ 1 ]

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M A C E Y ' S   P O V:

"Did you hear?" I break my concentration away from the Physics problem to look at Heidi, who stares back at me in curiousity.

Turning my attention back to my worksheet, I begin working out the equation on the side of the paper and let out a sigh. "Here about what?" I ask even though I couldn't care less about whatever it was that she wanted to tell me at the moment.

"Headmaster Atkinson's scheduled a group to perform today during first through fourth period gym classes - I hear that it's a boyband or something." she explains quietly in attempt to keep Mrs. DeLuca from overhearing our conversation.

This information is enough to temporarily distract me from the task at hand - a challenging physics handout on the electromagnetic spectrum, which if I do say so myself, had the potential to stump Albert Einstein.

Headmaster Atkinson, scheduling someone even semi-famous was completely unheard of. Pine Ridge High School may just be the smallest school in all of Volusia County, situated in Boringsville, USA - also known as, Deltona, Florida. Our class consists of a mere one hundred and twenty students while only seven hundred students make up the entire campus. Teachers always try and push the whole "our-school-is-small-but-it's-got-character" speech onto us whenever the topic of school demographics is brought up.

"Really?" I ask, not believing a word my best friend is saying. It's just not possible nor probable.

She nods her head vigorously and slides her phone across the lab table, careful to make sure Mrs. DeLuca isn't watching as she does so. "Lauren's been on a tweet spree, she's literally been tweeting pictures of them for the past half hour."

With the phone on the table, I begin scrolling through Lauren's tweets, which all have pictures of a group of five boys who I have never seen before. The first thing I notice about them is that they're all wearing outfits in the same color scheme but nowhere near similar in style. The next thing I notice is that they're all extremely attractive - at least from the far away shots I'm staring at.

The last tweet of the set is a picture of our friend Lauren posing for the camera, her arms draped around the waist of two of them with the others standing on either side, the caption reads: "Can't believe I hadn't heard of @AfterRomeo before! Extremely talented boys as well as extremely sweet. Can't wait to see you on Saturday!" 

She had tagged five twitter handles, which I was assuming were the members of After Romeo. Out of pure curiousity, I click the band's Twitter name and am redirected to their page. "They look..." I struggle to find a word to describe these boys.

"Hot." Heidi suggests, in a dreamy tone, to which I roll my eyes and slide her phone back across the table.

"I was going to say interesting but I guess hot works too." I explain before returning to my classwork - hoping that I'll be able to finish before the bell rings.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for gym class today." she states and I can't contain the small smile that spreads across my lips.

Because I was secretly looking forward to next period as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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