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     Tears streamed down your plump face as you sat on your bedroom floor staring at the wall. You were surrounded by clothes that were too small to fit you. Once again, that distinguishable feeling you knew all too well creeped up from the back of your mind — you felt gross. That feeling intensified and turned into feelings of worthlessness. "All of this because of a pair of fucking run down jeans, Jesus," you thought to yourself as you buried your head into your lap. You knew you were blowing it out of proportions, but the tears worsened and worsened. You felt the texture of the pant leg underneath your feet and were constantly reminded of the fact that you were... bigger. Sure, you weren't necessarily BIG. To be quite frank, you weren't even fat. However, your thoughts were consumed of doubts and insecurities that blew everything out proportion— including your weight.
     It seemed like you were curled up in that position for hours. In reality, it was only a few minutes. Suddenly, you heard a knock behind the closed door and a soft but concerned voice, "Darling?" Loki had made it a point to not invade your privacy by teleporting in unannounced. He has been getting the hang of being an actual decent human and respecting other people — him knocking on the closed door was one example of it.
     Hearing his soft, silky voice felt both calming and heart wrenching to you. On one hand, you wanted his support and his kind words — you wanted your lover to soothe you! On another hand, you were embarrassed. It wasn't a secret that you weren't the most confident with your body, but you didn't want to seem like a complainer too. You quickly snapped back under your breath for him to just go away — you didn't want him seeing you like this. Almost immediately, Loki replied in a playful tone, "What was that darling?" You decided to louder your voice, but was still muffled due to your head being tucked away into your knees. "Please go away," you replied sadly but coherently... The conversation continued like this for a few minutes...

Loki (behind the bedroom door): Huh?
Y/N: *moves head a bit towards the door* Go. Away.
Loki: *playfully responds* Heavens sake, Darling. You need to be more clear because this door is doing a fantastic job of blocking your beautiful voice.
Y/N: *voices becomes louder as a smile peaks through your lips* GO! AWAY!
Loki: *begins to shout as well* GO WHERE?
Y/N: *Shouting louder while laughing* AWAY, LOKI. Go AWAY!

You proceed to get up and open the door to find that the man was not there. You look out into the hall and over the stair railing. You call for him lightly but don't find him anywhere. As you start to walk back into the room, you see the tall man's figure sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks puzzled at you. He tilts his head and remarks, "What were you doing out there, my love?"

Y/N: *perplexed* Um, looking for you..
Loki: For me? Well I was in here! Why would you be looking out there?
Y/N: *puts hands on hips all sassy like* Because I told you to go away..
Loki: *playful grin appears* Oh! AWAY! I thought you said GO IN...

You proceed to pick up a pair of jeans and throw it at him as you giggle at his foolishness. No matter what type of mood you were in, he always seemed to bring a smile to your face. He caught the pair of jeans while smiling from ear to ear, almost proud of what he accomplished. You walked over to him and sat down beside him as he welcomed you with open arms. He titled his head into your exposed neck and lightly whispered, "Now, why did you want me to go away so badly?" .... That sinking returned into the pit of your stomach. As on cue, the tears staring pouring out of your eyes which caused you to stiffen. Loki, almost instantly, straightened his back to get a look at your face. His hands cupped your face as he looked into your eyes with utter confusion.
       Was it something he said? Something he did? Perhaps something he didn't do? His mind was racing with possible reasons you were on the verge of sobbing. By just looking at his face you can tell he was internally just as shattered by your crying as you were by your own thoughts. It seemed as if it passed his mind to look around the room; it looked like the room was hit by a tornado. Around the room was clothes that no longer fit your frame. If he had just taken one look at the state of the room, he would have understood.. right?
      After briefly observing your crying state, he gently placed your head into the crook of his neck and began rubbing up and down your back. He smelled so good. His hands felt so good on your body. He was your security blanket, and like a magic spell, you began to calm down instantly. You felt safe and wanted in his big arms. He was whispering soothing words into your ear which helped the whole process. You were slowly nodding off when he began to talk in a louder, but soothing voice:

Loki: Y/N... talk to me, beautiful.
After a moment, you felt the tears start coming back.
Y/N: "Stop," you said sternly

Loki looked a bit taken back. However he maintained his soft spoken tone with you, "Stop what, my love?" You were boiling inside and it wasn't even his fault. "Stop calling me beautiful when we both know I'm not!," you replied angrily as you tore apart from him. You proceed to shrink away from him and shift towards the mirror that was now in front of you. "Great," you thought sarcastically. Loki looked at the back of your head for a few seconds thinking about what to say. He was still utterly confused about where this anger and emotions were coming from.. He looked away from you and spoke shamefully, "You.. don't like my nickname for you?"

  Guilt ran through your body as you heard him speak those words. Immediately you turned around with even more tears spilling from your eyes. You hopelessly responded trying to get him to understand, "No, Loki.. It's not your nickname! Please.. I- I don't want you getting sad too. Please.." You paused as you saw him sadly look into your eyes. He took a hold of your hand into his and responded confidently, "Then out with it, Y/N. I will not let you sit here and cry without no clear explanation. Speak." By the end of his sentence you could hear a bit of anger in his words. He was utterly confused at your responses and wasn't getting anywhere with you. He wanted to help you but you weren't letting him. Shame began to fill your body preventing you from speaking.

   Loki lifted your chin with two fingers and sternly looked at you, "Speak," he repeated loud and demandingly. You gulped lightly as you tried to quickly recollect your thoughts. You quickly tried to come up with something before this man bent you over and spanked you for literally CRYING. You thought for a moment and said without much preparation, "I'm fat."

  Loki swiftly let go of your chin as a look of regret mixed with shock and sorrow washed through his face. His hand directed itself back onto your hand as he thought for the right words to say. In his entire lifetime, he had never met a woman quite like you. Your beauty was unmatched by any other specimen in the universe — inward and outward. To him, you were always as radiant as the sun, and as beautiful as a rose. It never crossed his mind that you were big or fat, so he did not understand why it crossed yours. He wanted you to see your body the way he saw it. As he was trying to think of words, the reflection of the sunlight against the mirror caught his reflection. He had an idea. Loki looked from the mirror to Y/N, he tightened his grip on your hand and lightly questioned , " do you trust me, my dear?" You were puzzled but nodded at his words, you would trust Loki with everything in your being.

    Loki slowly got up from the bed and lightly pulled at your hand to do the same. Once you were up, he brought you to the front of the mirror as he stayed closely behind you. He began to wrap his arms around your waist as you both stared into the each other's eyes in the mirror. He rested his head on top of yours.

Loki: Do you know what I think about when I look at you, Y/N?
You didn't want to know, it couldn't be anything good considering how shitty you felt about your own body. You lightly shook your head. Loki smiles and brought his lips close to your ear and began to whisper lightly, " I see a young, beautiful rose. I see a woman with beauty as bright as the sun, and youth as young as a flourishing rose during Spring. I see sex. I see love. I see you. I see the person that I had been waiting for for eons." Tears began to stream down your face as he continued. "I see my lover. My best friend. My wife. I see myself." He wasn't letting up, " I see your almond shaped, chocolate river colored eyes. I see your lips that have brought me to indescribable pleasure a multitude of times." At that point, you slightly smacked him on the side of his head for that obscene comment. A mischievous smiled appeared on the God's lips as you erupted in a fit of giggles. He finished off by saying, "I just see you. And I love EVERYTHING about you." You nodded into the mirror as you smiled at his kind, beautiful words. No one has EVER described your body in such breathtaking words as Loki. No one had ever passionately spoken about you and your features like your king did. You both held onto one another in front of the mirror as you smiled ear to ear watching his eyes scan around you body — as he admired what was proudly his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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