1: Alone

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I look up to see snowflakes fall from the sky. Some are big, some are small, but each of them beautiful in their own way. I can't say that about humans, though. With all the violence and chaos going on, it's practically impossible to say that all humans are beautiful, because, well, lets look at the most popular girl in my school, Kemy.

She is gorgeous, but has a habit of bullying little, innocent children. One time she did that, I said to her, "Go pick on someone your own size!" Her face went red in anger and at that moment, I knew I made my life's worst mistake. Ever since I said those seven words, she hated me. I mean, really hated me. She never hesitated to make my life miserable. Pulling pranks on me, getting me into trouble, but I let it all pass. They say its called staying strong, but really, its cowardness.

It's the first day of school, and I hope to get a fresh start. For the past few days, I've been busy sorting out my school supplies and writing down what I want to do with my life. I've also started my own personal bucket list, which is pretty much empty except for the fact that I've only written one sentence.

To make friends.

Making friends seems like an impossible mission - well for me, considering the fact that I am a 'nerd' and an 'ugly fat pig.' (Though I'm not fat, I'm pretty slim) Another reason why is because, I'm just me. Just me, the girl who puts on a constant scowl. But I can't blame people, really. I mean, who would want to become friends with a girl who doesn't speak and isn't even the least bit friendly? I know I wouldn't.

I never really had any friends until this girl, named Jinah, came along. She was popular, beautiful and kind, and sometimes I wondered why she even chose to become friends with me. I remember the time when me and Jinah went out to go shopping, and believe me, it was one of the most happiest moments in my life. That wonderful feeling of having a friend with you, you can never forget. Because until now, it still lures in my mind, giving me happy dreams and memories.

Ever since Jinah & I went shopping, I haven't seen her nor have I heard about her. Of course, I got worried. So I dialled her number shortly before finding out that she had already migrated to America.

And that is how our friendship ended.

I snap out of my thoughts and get my self ready for school. I tie up my hair into a bun and put on my school uniform. I love how the school uniform looks. It makes you look formal, and at the same time stylish. I run my fingers on the soft fabric, and I instantly feel refreshed. I then put on my plain brown shoes and head outside, running as if my life depends on it.

* * * * * * * * *

I arrange my school supplies and take out my notepad. I fiddle with my pencil, waiting patiently for school to start.

The siren rings and Mr Kwon smiles. "Hello, everyone."

"Some of you may have already heard of me, but for those who didn't, My name is Mr Kwon. Teacher of Class A."

The door swings open and the principal, Mrs Jung, makes an appearance. "Sorry to interrupt, Mr Kwon, but we have a new student here, would you please introduce yourself?" she says, looking at the new student.

I analyze the student's features. Black hair, defined nose, pale skin and by all accounts, attractive. I scan the room and see girls falling for him already. I hear whispers like, 'he's so cute!' and, 'i want to date him!' Hearing those whispers, I want to puke. I mean, why would you date a person who you barely know? The boy is attractive, but you don't know who he actually is. Is he a stripper? Is he a janitor? No one knows these things at first sight.

"Yes, my name is Jeon Jeongguk. You can call me Jungkook," He says before nodding at the teacher. Unexpectedly, the whole class claps, well, except for me. Jungkook glares at me as if mad, and I roll my eyes.

"Jungkook," says Mr Kwon. "Sit next to Sooyeon," he says, pointing at me. Jungkook nods and makes his way towards his seat. I receive death glares from Jungkook's already-earned fangirls, (especially from Kemy, who looks like she's about to explode) and so I give them a 'what' face.

I catch a glimpse of Jungkook, who is busy taking notes on his notepad. He's written quite a lot, whereas I have only drawn lines and circles. A lot of people are staring at me right now, which is quite unusual. I then look up to see Mr Kwon, staring at me.

"Sooyeon. What did I just say?" he asks.

Uh-oh. I stay quiet for roughly five seconds. Ten seconds pass, and all the attention is killing me. So, I give up.

"I don't know, sir," I say, expecting the worst.

And the worst it was.

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