Drunk Feelings

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Title by Aki-senpai aka Mafumafura ((check her profile out))

Originally an Rp lol well at least half of it

Aki was Mafu and I was Rib and Soraru uwu

And btw Mafu is albino here uwu

It was currently 12:00 am in the morning and Mafumafu was producing another vocaloid song. His phone started beeping and he grabbed his phone and looked at the caller id.

'Eh? Why's Rib-kun calling at this hour?' Mafu thought as he answered his phone. "Hello? Rib-kun? Why are you calling?" Mafu asked, Rib only called late at night when he's drunk. "Ok, Mafu-kun, Prepare yourself because there is a Drunk Soraru is going to your house." Rib stifled his laughter, he pitied the poor albino a bit.

Mafu's eyes widened in shock. Soraru being drunk was quite... A bad experience.

"What? Drunk Soraru?" Mafu replied. "Yes. He ordered a shot, then ordered for more shots then he became drunk and then he proclaimed his undying love for you and then he dashed out of the bar leaving me to pay the bills..." Rib sighed.

"E-eh... Is that so...?" Mafu said slowly while blushing madly at Rib's words. "Is he... really, really drunk?" Mafu was silently preparing himself for the arrival of his very drunk friend. "Yes, Mafu-kun. He had 12 shots." Rib laughed. "Good luck, Mafu-kun."


Soraru tried to walk straight but failed. He had to find that house. The house of Mafumafu (the goddess www). He suddenly had a surge of confindence to confess to the cute albino. 'Yes! I have to make him mine.' Soraru thought as he stumbled upon the familiar house. He pushed the doorbell multiple times and impatiently waited for the door to open.

Mafu heard the doorbell ring multiple times, non-stop. 'That must be Soraru.' The albino sighed at the thought.

Slowly, Mafumafu crept up to the door and cautiously opened it seeing a very, very drunk Soraru.

"Soraru? Are you okay?" Mafu asked. "Yes, Just fantastic." Soraru slurred as he unsteadily walked into Mafu's house. "You're not even walking properly!" Mafu exclaimed. Soraru stayed quiet for a moment and flopped down on the couch and muttered, "You'd make the perfect housewife Mafu-kun."

Mafu blushed. "Well, too bad! I'm male for your information." Mafu replied and walked up to Soraru. "I'll get you some water for you to sober up, ok?" Mafu sighed and turned on his heel to walk away. But before he could make two successful steps away from the couch, Soraru grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him then he successfully pinned the albino with his arms above his head.

Mafu's eyes widened. Soraru has never done this before. "...Soraru?" Mafu mumbled cautiously. He stared deeply into the other male's eyes that was pooling with lust.

"You wanna know why I went to your house and called you a 'perfect housewife'" Soraru said seductively. (SORARU PLS W). "W-why?" Mafu realized the distance between their lips was getting closer. Soraru inched closer and whispered, "Because, I love you." He dipped his head down to kiss the very flustered albino on the lips.

Mafu's mind went blank for a moment. He tried to understand what was happening at the moment and then finally it hit him.

Soraru was kissing him.

Quickly, he tried to push the drunkard off of him, "S-soraru, stop!!" Mafu said.

Soraru pulled away to see Mafumafu's flustered face. He thought for a moment and bluntly replied, "No."

Soraru combed his hair through his fingers and sighed. "What I said was true, I really do love you." Soraru said.

Upon listening to Soraru's words, Mafu felt warm at his heart. Without realizing it Mafu put both of his hands on Soraru's cheeks and pulled him down for another kiss.

Soraru's eyes widened but slowly fluttered close. Mafu could still taste the alcohol on his lips, It wasn't prominent but it was still there.

The both of them pulled away and Mafumafu instantly hugged Soraru and placed his forehead at the crook of Soraru's neck. "I.. I love you too, Sora-baka." Mafu mumbled as he felt his cheeks heat again.

Soraru felt his eyes close and he fell asleep.

"...Soraru?" Mafu pulled away to examine Soraru. He let a smile glide on his face as he saw Soraru peacefully sleeping. He laid Soraru on his back on the couch. Before he left, he kissed Soraru's forehead and mumbled a goodnight.


Soraru woke up with a splitting headache. He attempted to sit up straight but failed and let himself fall back on the couch. 'I wonder what happened last night?' Soraru thought.

Then he remembered. All the memories of last night came back to him and he furiously blushed. "Oh my god." He mumbled out. 'I have to apologize to Mafu. But didn't he say he loved me back? Wait. He loves me back? What. Wait. What.' Soraru stopped his train of thought. He thought his blush had dissolved but there it was back again except it was much warmer than the previous one. He covered his face with his hands and sighed. 'What have I gotten myself into?'.

Soraru heard light footsteps from behind the couch and saw Mafu with a glass of water and pain relievers. "Good morning, Sora-kun." Mafu smiled. "Drink this." Mafu handed the glass and the pills. "Thanks." Soraru replied.

After he drank the pills, Soraru looked at Mafu and sighed. "Listen, you probably already know this but I love you and what I said was true and I remember everything."
Mafu blushed. Soraru continued, "And Its fine if you don't feel the same wー" He was cut off by Mafu glomping him. "Sora-baka, you said you remembered everything. Don't you remember I pulled you in for another kiss and that I even said I love you too?" Mafu mumbled as he placed his head of Soraru's shoulder. "You really are a baka, Soraru." Mafu laughed. Soraru hesitantly hugged back. "I love you." He mumbled. "You too." Mafu replied back.


Mafu unlatched himself from Soraru and snickered. "Even Rib knows. He even told me that you, The ever-famous Soraru proclaimed his love for me, Mafumafu." Soraru's eyes widened, "I-I did no such thing." He replied. "Oh yeah sure." Mafu smirked.



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