The Voices (Part 1)

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Loki POV:

I couldn't handle the voices. They haunted me all day, all night. I need someone... help. I yelled, calling for my brother, but he wouldn't be able to hear me. No one would. My voice turned into a blood-curdling scream, begging for anyone out there... anyone.

"Loki! LOKI!"

I jumped up, startled. Thor is shaking my shoulders, with a concerned look on his face. It was just a dream. My eyes dart around the room, then focus on Thor.

"T-Thor? Is that really you?" Tears gather in my eyes out of relief.

"Yes Loki! It's me... Thor, your brother."

I grab him and cry. He hugs me back, comforting me. I sob on his shoulder for a good five minutes before pulling back and sniffling.

Thor kneeled down, getting to my eye level. "Brother... was it the nightmares again? Please tell me what is going on. I can help you!"

I looked down, ashamed of how weak I seemed at the moment. " T-The voices... they follow me..."

Thor lifted my chin up and looked at me with his intense blue eyes. "It's okay, Loki. Do not be ashamed that this is happening. I can help-"

No. He couldn't. He didn't understand. Thor would never know how I truly felt. "Stop! You can't! You don't understand... you never will!"

No one can help you.

You are worthless.

They look down upon you.

I closed my eyes, trying to shut the voices out, but they had already done the damage. I ran out of the room, wanting to escape the pain... the guilt. My brother called out my name. But I didn't want to listen to him any longer. He couldn't help me. Tears flowed down my face as I ran out of the Avenger's tower and into the dark, rainy, night.

Thor POV:


    I ran after my brother, calling his name. Why couldn't he just tell me what was going on? He's been like this ever since he attacked New York, which was about 2 weeks ago. Ugh... i told him it was fine... he was forgiven! I can't get upset at him though, I have no idea what he's going through. I sighed, and started jogging through the streets looking for Loki.

    "Brother! Where are you?"

    I was searching the area for about ten minutes when I suddenly heard a muffled sound. It sounded like... sniffling. I peeked into the alleyway where I heard the noise and saw a dark, slumped figure. I realized right away that it must be Loki, so I slowly advanced toward him, trying to be as quiet as I could. He seemed to be mumbling something though...And was that a knife he was holding?

    "Loki...? What are you doing?"

    He turned around in shock, like a deer in headlights.

    Blood dripped from my brother's hands, staining his clothes. Huge gashes were sliced all over his arm... like multiple bloody mouths. The knife he was holding was covered with blood.

     I stumbled back in shock. My brother was resorting to self harm?

    "Oh Loki... what have you done to yourself?" tears were brimming in my eyes, and i rushed over to my brother, hugging him, Not caring if i got blood on myself. He dropped his knife with a clatter and grabbed onto me, bawling. I cooed him and rubbed his back, trying to calm him.

    "Shhh... it's okay brother... i'm here."

    "T-Thor... i'm so sorry..." He tried to speak between his hiccups.

    We clung onto each other for a long time, until I reminded him that we should probably get back to the Avenger's Tower before somebody found out that we were gone. Loki stood up weakly, but immediately started to sway back and forth, not being able to keep his balance.

    "Brother... i don't feel too good..."

    He fell down, but I was able to catch him before he hit the ground. Shit! He's suffering from blood loss. I grabbed my hammer and flew back to the tower as fast as I could, carrying my brother in my arms.

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