It's Over, isn't it ?

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Version Anglaise modifier :

I was fine with the men
Who would come into my life now and again
I was fine, 'cause I knew it
That they didn't really matter until you
I was fine when you came
And we fought like it was all some silly game
Over him, who you'd choose
After all those years, I never thought I'd lose

It's over, isn't it ?
Isn't it ?
Isn't it over?
It's over, isn't it ?
Isn't it ?
Isn't it over ?
He won and he chose it and i loved it and he's gone
It's over, isn't it ?
Why can't I move on ?

War and glory, reinvention
Fusion, freedom, him attention
Out in daylight, my potential
Bold, precise, experimental
Who am I now in this world without him ?
Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt him
What does it matter now ? I don't know
Now I've to be there to protect him from me

It's... over, isn't it ?
Isn't it ?
Isn't it over ?
It's over, isn't it ?
Isn't it ?
Isn't it over ?
He won and he chose it and i loved it and he's gone
It's over, isn't it ?
Why can't I move on ?

It's over, isn't it ?
Why can't I move on ?

Version Française modifier :

J'acceptais cette lubie
Tous ces hommes qui défilaient dans ma vie
J'acceptais leurs présence
Car avant toi, ils n'avaient pas d'importance

J'acceptais sa venue
Et nous nous battions comme 2 enfants têtus
Puis il a fais son choix
Et je le savais que ce ne serait pas moi...

Mais maintenant, est-ce fini, est-ce fini, est-ce vraiment fini ?
C'est fini, n'est ce pas ? Est-ce fini ? N'est ce pas fini ?
Il a gagné son cœur, je l'aimais mais il n'est plus
Mais maintenant, est-ce fini et l'ai-je perdu ?

Guerre et victoire, réinvention
Fusion, pouvoir, son attention
Dans la lumière, mon potentiel
Brave, précis et éternelle

Qui suis-je maintenant dans ce monde sans lui ?
Moi, insignifiant, osant douter de lui
Quelle importance maintenant ? Je ne sais pas
Désormais je le protège de moi

Mais maintenant, est-ce fini, est-ce fini, est-ce vraiment fini ?
C'est fini, n'est ce pas ? Est-ce fini ? N'est ce pas fini ?
Il a gagné son cœur, je l'aimais mais il n'est plus
Mais maintenant, est-ce fini et l'ai-je perdu ?
Maintenant c'est fini et je l'ai perduuu...

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