Everyone starts life with that first cry...
So, let's explore some facts about tears...
• Babies from different cultures, cry differently
• Many people think that tears are the true emotion...
According to Bylsma (a researcher), tears are usually true but not always...
Bylsma also adds some more points:
• In a study of nearly 200 Dutch women, Bylsma found that most did say they felt better after crying. But not everyone.
Bylsma also adds: "We found that individuals who scored higher on [measures of] depression or anxiety were likely to feel worse after crying."
• When a person cries, if the first drop comes out of the right eye, it's from happiness. But when the first drop comes out from left eye, it's pain.
* If it is from both the eyes at the same time, you probably stepped on a LEGO
• Some people are indeed more prone to crying as crying provides psychological relief
• Women really do cry more than men
• Many species who spend time on land shed tears
Example: Animals
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There are three distinct types of tears:
• Basal
• Reflex
• EmotionalResearchers says: "Emotional tears are triggered by strong feelings - unique to humans"
• People are more like to cry at night
• Different types of tears shed different chemicals
• Guys get turned off when a girl cries as there is a signal transmitted
"Smelling a woman's tears had a measurable effect on men" says biochemist Idan Frumin
•According to recent statistics, Frey, PhD, found that women cry an average of 5.3 times a month, while men cry an average of 1.3 times per month
• According to a Dutch researcher, women in wealthier economic countries cry more than women in poorer countries
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I think many of us...
One will not actually run out of tears but the production may slow down due to certain factors.
Psychological Facts
RandomDid you ever wonder why your mind reacts different in different situations? Here are a bunch of psychological facts that you need to explore... This is my first writing... Hope u all enjoy it...