sixteen {mature}

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"Okay, I'm seriously considering strapping Hyuck to his bed tonight," Doyoung muttered while texting someone on his phone. "Full on kinky leather straps, because I could barely sleep after last night."

"Yeah, what an adrenaline kick," Jaehyun laughed, closing over his notebook and jumping into bed.

"Sorry guys," Donghyuck apologised, rubbing his face tiredly and shaking his head. "I don't know what came over me."

"It was just sleepwalking," Taeyong waved it off, "Don't worry about it."

"No, I full on sprinted down the hall. I made it to the second floor downstairs before you guys could catch up...."

"I needed the exercise," Sicheng chuckled as he sipped from his bottle of water. "It's not like you're always up and about at night."

Yeah right, Mark scoffed to himself, you guys haven't seen real hardship yet. "I can't believe I slept through all that," he ended up giggling along, pretending that his roommate was totally normal.

"Well, you've been wearing yourself out lately," Taeil sympathised with the ravenette, "I bet the sleep you do get from time to time is really beneficial."


"Lights out!" The hall monitor yelled from outside, knocking along all the doors to inform everyone that it was time for bed. He then stopped at theirs, "No running around, please."

Donghyuck blushed deeply and sunk into his bed with shame. "Oh my god, someone knock me out."

"It's still pretty funny,' Jaehyun snickered as he flicked off his lamp, three of the others doing the same. Mark curled up, facing the glow in the dark clock and waiting out a few hours to see if he could go and visit Ten again.


Everyone had long since fallen asleep, and Mark was growing anxious while sitting about unproductively. He wanted to sneak downstairs again to catch up with the dark haired senior.

Once another half hour passed with nothing but silence, the teen decided that he was in for a quiet night and slipped out of bed to trail towards the door. The ticking of the clock was dull to his ears now, and the floorboards beneath his bare feet whined at the weight now placed upon them.

His hand wrapped around the metal doorknob, lower lip snagged between his teeth as he very quietly attempted to twist it open.

Out of the blue, and to the teen's absolute horror, someone flipped him around and slammed his body against the aged door. The culprit aggressively tangled his finger's in Mark's hair and claimed is lips as if they belonged to him.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now