Love Is Real

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Love is real

     You are sitting on a hill covered in luscious green grass, overlooking a large lake with blackish water. There is a light breeze blowing from your left, and you let it blow your shoulder-length hair across your face. The grass blows in the same way. You lean back on the old oak tree and feel the bark press into your back, through your school uniform that you have to wear, even though you hate it. You sigh; taking in a deep sniff of the grass- it smells really nice, like it had just been cut.

You pick up the book that you brought with you and open to chapter three, removing your bookmark, which is a small piece of paper that says I keep your place. You start reading, and feel the thin, rough paper between your finger and your thumb. As you turn the page, feel a small sting on the outside of your thumb, in middle- the side closest to the inside of your hand. You look down and see a small drop of dark red blood. You hold your index finder to the paper cut to stop the bleeding. You forget about the cut as you get sucked into the plot of the book.

Just as something exciting is about to happen, you feel something wet on your face. You turn your head and smile at your best friend. You reach out a hand and ruffle his long, mangled black fur. He barks, as if to say “Come on! Chase me!” You laugh and put your bookmark back into place, placing the book down on the grass. As the large black dog runs down the hill, you chase after him. You start on your two feet, but slip your shoes off to make it easier to run. After a while you start running on both feet and hands, before you can feel the soft ground under your four paws.

You love the feeling of the wind through your bright red and white fur. You follow the dog into the forest and try to outrun him. If wolves could laugh, that was what you were doing. Eventually, you’re right behind him, just as you get to the lake. He stops suddenly, and, unable to slow yourself down, you bash into him, pushing him into the water, you following shortly. As soon as your ears are under the water you morph back into your human form. You float on your back, feeling the water soak through you clothes. He lifts his head above the water, and shakes his head like a dog would. You laugh as water lands on your face.

The water is cool, and you feel this when he grabs you and pulls you under. You open your eyes under the water and smile. Although the water looks black on the surface, it’s actually very clean and clear underneath. He swims up to you, his hair floating in all directions when he stops. He grabs your waist, pulling you toward him. You wrap your hands around his shoulder and kiss him. His lips are warm and soft, and passionate sparks zap through your body, feeding the butterflies that appear whenever you get close to him. You pull away when you need air, and swim upwards. As you break the surface, you take a deep breath and flip your hair over your head, like you had read Ariel do in The Little Mermaid. Unfortunately, it fails, and your hair looks like a blob on your head. He surfaces and laughs. You smirk and float over to him, sitting on his lap. He puts one hand under your legs and one under your arms, lifting you up. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he carries you onto the shore, where he lays you onto the sandy grass.

You stay there, and he sits next to you. Resting your head onto his shoulder, you two stay there, watching the red sun set. Once it’s gone, the stars appear, blinking as though they just woke up. You have forgotten about the book on the hill, and so him and you stand up and walk hand-in-hand back up to the castle that you call ‘home’. You laugh at something that he says, and rest your head on his shoulder once more as you enter the castle.

The house-elf at the door watches you together with a small smile on his face, as he holds the door open to let you into the kitchen. You to take some cold chicken from the dinner that you missed and place it in his mouth. He eats it and does the same to you. Once you have eaten enough, you give him one last peck on the cheek, and he turns and walks to his common room. You skip up the many stairs until you get to your common room at the top of the castle. There you slip off your uniform and get into your comfier night gown. You sit on your bed, which was warmed up by some bed-pans. You make a note to thank the house elves in the morning. Yawning slowly, you rest your head on the fluffy pillows and fall into sleep, where you dream about love.

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