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Reaping Day of the 74th Hunger Games:

Katniss POV

I make my way through the fence and into the forest beyond. I reach to pull my bow from the hollow log when a bright flash of light obscures my vision. Once it clears again I see that I'm in a large room, surrounded by other people, some I know personally, most I'd seen, and some that I didn't know at all. Gale, Prim, and the baker's son, Peeta Melark, make up the small section that I know personally. Effie Trinket (the District 12 escort), Haymitch Abernathy (the only living Victor of District 12), President Snow, Johanna Mason (a mentor from District 7), Finnick Odair (the youngest ever Victor, Capitol Darling, a mentor from District 4), Mags (another District 4 mentor, I think she was Odair's mentor), and Annie Cresta (the mad Victor from District 4) make up the section of people that I knew of. There were three people that I'd never seen before. One, the dark man with golden eyeliner, looked to be a Capitol Citizen. Another, a young, dark girl, looked to be from another outlying District. The third, a greying woman, I had no clue about. I'd say Capitol Citizen, but she looked too underfed to be so.

I guess President Snow decided that he needed to speak, but before he could another light flashed, leaving a note behind. Pres. Snow picked it up and read it aloud, "It's not important who I am or how I know what I do but you were all chosen to be present for this. There was a theory, for you all it was years ago that this theory existed, but the Theory of the Multiverse is, in fact, true. I come from an alternate timeline where, in the next few years, seven of you will be dead, along with countless more. In that timeline, Districts 8 and 12 have been decimated," all of the people present from 12 gasp and stumble back. Snow continues as if nothing had happened, "I cannot tell you what happens, as that will disrupt too much, but I can send you clues. On the screen to your left," we all turn to the screen in question, "I will send a set of images and a set of lyrics for each person in this room. The seven people that are dead by the end of the reign of the Girl on Fire will each have one song while everyone else will have two. Before I start the videos, each of you needs to introduce yourselves to everyone else in the room. One last thing, be yourself. If anyone, I'm looking at you Snow, tries anything to harm you, or anyone you love, it will be stopped. Finnick," his head snapped up, "that last part was directed at you. Don't use any personas, don't fake everything that you do in the Capitol. Also, this part is to all of you, DON'T LIE! I'll know, and I'll call you on it until you tell the truth. Good luck."

After Snow was done with the note, the unknown woman spoke up, "I am Alma Coin, leader of District 13." Everyone stood, shocked at the revelation that District 13 existed.

However, before anyone else could do anything, President Snow stepped forward, "I am President Cornelius Snow of Panem."

Before any drama could break out between the two, the unknown man spoke, "I'm Cinna. New Head Stylist of District 12."

Effie was next, then Haymitch and Johanna. Finnick was next, but I noticed something as he moved forward. After the note was read, everything that had ever defined the youngest Victor ever had slipped away. Gone were the radiant smiles. Gone the aura of charm he exuded, everything. Left behind was a look I knew all too well, dead. He looked dead inside like he was at the point of ending it all, and, judging by how deep that look ran, had been for a long time. "Finnick Odair," his voice sounded dead too, "from District 4, Victor of the 65th Hunger Games." Snow looked unhappy to see the Darling Capital Boy act as he was but Finnick rounded on him, "No," He began plainly, "Do what you want to me when we get back, but for the time being, while we're here," he gestured at the room they were in, "I'm not being your plaything." As his rant finished, Johanna and Haymitch, and the other District 4 Victors, moved to surround Finnick and Snow looked even less pleased.

It was Haymitch that spoke up next, snapping at Snow. Seemingly something he'd wanted to do for a long time if the venom behind his words was an indication, "you pushed him to this point. You don't get to punish him for finally breaking. He was 14 when he won, and you didn't even wait. The others were at least 16 before you started them, but he wasn't even 15. And you haven't stopped since. Everyone has a breaking point," he then turned more towards Finnick where Mags and Annie were holding him while Johanna guarded their backs, "and, Kid," Finnick looked up, "I think you've finally met yours." No one knew what to do, in order to lessen the tension, Mags pulled Annie forward and had her introduce the two of them before they both returned to Finnick's side.

Peeta spoke up next, then Gale, then me, then Prim, before the last girl introduced herself as Rue. After the introductions, we all made our way to settle on the seating in front of the screen. The two chairs were quickly taken by Coin and Snow while one couch was taken by Johanna, Annie, Finnick, and Mags. Finnick was between Mags and Annie while Johanna sat on the back of the couch behind him. The second couch was taken by Effie, Cinna, Haymitch, and a nervous Peeta. Haymitch was on the end closest to the other Victors with Effie to his right, Cinna to hers, and Peeta to his. The final couch had Gale on one arm and me on the other with Prim between us. I noticed that Rue was alone on the floor and beckoned her over to sit with us. She beamed before making her way over. After another moment, the screen flickered to life to show President Snow standing ready to begin speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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