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You sat in your room in the dark looking up at my ceiling fan spining in circles. You hear my door click open and jerk your head to the left. It's your dad in the door way he walks in to your room and says. "Hi y/n I got a little something for you". With a smile on his face he pulls out a little present perfectly wrapped with a little bow on top. Suprised you tare open the present as it reveled a new game called undertale. You jump in joy he could see the excitement in your eyes. You dropped your game to the floor and give a him a big hug and repeat "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU". He smiles and say "no problem kid" he reached for your head and lightly patted your head. As you see him walk out the door. You flick on your computer and your eyes began to hurt due to the bright light. But you soon got use to it though. You open the disc department and slides your disc into the computer.You wachted it go into the computer and the big bright white logo pops up on the screen. "Undertale huh let's give this shit a shot".You play all night as you slowly become addicted to undertale. Around 3 am in the middle of a boss fight your game pauses and a notification popped up on your screen. Thinking it was just another safe point you click accept without  reading it. But the game doesn't resume yet the game gliching the screen became static and you see on the screen in blue writing welcome. Your wall begin to swirl around you. You look down at your hand it begins to fade into the screen  and soon your whole body. With no time to scream for help you faint. You feel as if your are falling for a long time but soon you hit a cold and yet mosty soft hill. Your eyes can barley open you see a blured image of someone or something. "Hey kid are you ok " the unknown figure said yet you didn't have enough strength or energy to reply. With no answer from you the unknown figure panics and he can feel your cold skin and rushes you inside caring you in there arms. You can feel the warm jacket against my skin as you could hear the them walk threw what sounds like snow. Once inside you open your eyes to see a tall boney man who says "hey kid am sans your safe with me ok". Your eyes shut just thinking it a dream. He picks you up and brings you to a fluffy bed. He realized he had to change you clothes you may die of frost bite or something. A blush comes across his face as he realized you would have to change your clothes and so he did.He slowly takes off your shoes and then your wet socks and soon all of your clothing until you lay there in nothing. His face turns bright red he quickly put some of his clothes on you so you where warm and slept peacefully. He walks out flicking the light off on his way .

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