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"I didn't get to see you last night," Ten smiled as he sat with his legs crossed on the sofa. His phone was perched on the coffee table in the centre, radiating light for both to see each other.

"Yeah, my roommate was....up and about," Mark mumbled with a bit of a flush. He was growing increasingly more concerned about Donghyuck and his future, as well as his own body that was growing evermore weaker.

"Oh? It didn't affect your sleep or anything, right? Were you awake?"

"Of course. I slept two nights ago....through one hell of a commotion actually."

Ten stifled a laugh, nodding in agreement. "He went sprinting down our hall, didn't he? I heard the whole thing from down here."

The younger sighed, somewhat wishing he had been in on the fun, but glad he had gotten a wonderful sleep. "So he did. Anyway, how are you? It's been a couple of days since I've seen you."

"Fine," the older shrugged with a smirk, "I've been quite interested in someone I've had a pretty fun week."

"Ooh," Mark cheered quietly, leaning in to hear more. "Tell me about them. I haven't gotten to chat like this before..."

Ten smiled softly, getting more comfortable and resting his shoulder against the other's. "I'll keep him anonymous, for effect...."


"So, he's really tall. I love tall boys."

"Really? I mean, that's befitting since you're....kinda..."

"Short? I know. It works in my favour," he winked, scratching he side of his nose and tilting his head as he thought more about the guy he liked. "He's got brown hair, and the style really suits him. Soft eyes, he's fit-"

"Are you sure he's real?" Mark chuckled, "Sounds too good."

"He is."


"Straight," Ten sighed sadly, "As straight as a ruler."

"Yeah. That's usually the way, isn't it?" The younger murmured, wrapping his arm around he senior comfortingly. "The guys I tend to fall for are always straight as well."

They snuggled up together in the darkness, both thinking about the woes that followed their sexuality. Mark had a small inkling to tell Ten the truth. All the horrible things he was doing and seeing with his oblivious roommate.

But it was a secret he had never spoken about before....and never wanted to.

Maybe some other time, he thought, tucking his knees into his chest.

"He's one of my roommates, actually," Ten continued, "The annoying one I escape come here."

"You and I both," the ravenette agreed, "I....I think I'm making a huge mistake too."

"Oh? Love problems?"


The older brushed Mark's fringe away to see his crestfallen expression clearer. "Want to talk about it?"

"Not really. But I will say one thing.....falling for this one person will only land me in trouble. Not only does he hate me, but he's straight, mean, my roommate-"


He giggled lightly at his enthusiasm, "Yes. He's cute."

"Ha, guess we're both lucky. Or unlucky, in some cases. Though there has to be other good points in his personality. Nobody is all bad, right?"

Of course he's not all bad, Mark thought sadly, wishing he could share his feelings. But he's bad for me...


Donghyuck stood in the bathroom the following morning, scowling as he ran a tender finger along the mess of bites. He was sure they weren't hickeys. He knew it. There just hadn't been a single person about that would've done this.

Hell, the only person capable would be Mark, and he's too much of a goddamn coward to try this. Brushing the fact under the rug was his defence mechanism. Really, the brunette just didn't want to believe the innocent boy he picked on would try something so obscene.

Yanking the tub of cream from under the sink, Hyuck tried his best to lather the white substance across his chest and neck. A blush came to his cheeks when he shyly ran some along his thigh, that one area leading him to believe that this had to be an insect's doing.

After clipping the lid back on and hurriedly getting into his uniform, the teen raced out and moved straight to his bed.

A few of the others had already left, leaving him, Mark, and Taeil who was making his bed.

"Um, how are they?" The ravenette enquired almost inaudibly, making Donghyuck request for a repeat.


"The bug bites...." Mark tried again, this time louder, "How are they? Sore?"

"Not particularly," the younger responded skeptically, eying the older and crossing off all sorts of possibilities based off of looks. "Just ugly."

"I guess," the other nodded somewhat nervously, turning back around to plug his phone in. A knock on the door startled the trio, Taeil making it the pair's problem as he disappeared into the bathroom.

"Yeah?" Donghyuck called out, watching with wonder as the wooden door squeaked open and in walked a senior. Wait, he quickly remembered, that's the Ten guy that Mark hangs out with.

"Hey," the new arrival greeted, looking around to find the male he was searching for. "Ready to go?"

Mark beamed happily as he ran to the door and said a brief 'goodbye' before leaving with the older. Hyuck's anger boiled at the sight of it, not even sure why. Ten was just so 'smug' and 'pushy'....(that's how he seemed, anyway).

The bell chimed throughout the building as well as the school, hurrying everyone up to get to breakfast. The brunette did just that, though in a particularly foul mood.

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𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now