Chapter 23

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Your pov:

Furrowing my brows as I moved my fingers, I could feel something soft, my fingers intertwining with whatever it was they found. I want to open my eyes but they feel so heavy, probably because I just woke up, or is it because I'm in a nightmare again?

Even though I hesitated I still opened my eyes, slowly looking where my hand laid, my fingers were intertwined with someone's hair.

Gently moving my hand away the person grumbled. That was a familiar grumble.

I slowly moved the hair out of the person's face, it was minx. Of course. Who else had soft fur like hair.

Or be ballsy enough to sleep next to me

I sighed and gently ran my fingers through his hair, looking at his facial features, he was getting a little bit of a stubble on his face, I can't imagine him with a beard.

Getting lost in thought I continued to run my fingers through his hair, it was so soft, you know, I can almost stand him when he is sleeping, he isn't chewing my ear off.

"Why are you staring at me" a voice said rapsily, yet huskily making my eyes widen, oh no did he catch me staring?! Oh my god I am going to kill my-

"Well?" minx looked up at me, he looked so tired.

"You were the one with your head next to my waist, don't blame me for staring at you pervert" i mentally facepalmed. Nice one. If this was a book i would slap the author right here and now for making me a tsundere.

He sighed and went to move.

"Wait." I gently grabbed his hand.

"Here you can take a rest and use my lap as a pillow" I made room on the couch for him, I gently patted my lap and watched as he tiredly accepted the offer and laid down, I then slowly ran my hand through his hair.

Feeling him relax I couldn't help but start humming, not long after he let out soft and quiet snores.

That was definitely one of the best sleeps I have ever had. I wonder why corvin didn't disturb me this time. I slapped myself gently. I shouldn't think about that douche, he is nothing but a violent demon, who is unpredictable, dangerous, sure he may be a great dancer, and may also have the most beautiful emerald eyes, but he hurt me.

I shouldn't let my guard down around him, nor want to be around him.

But I can't help but feel drawn to the curiosity that comes with him.

Later that day:

Sitting at my desk i sketched a rabbit, it wasn't often i would draw, but i have been stressed lately so why not?

I have always wanted a rabbit, but i don't want to keep it in a cage. Why trap an innocent animal when i already know what it's like to not taste freedom?
I don't know maybe it's stupid.

Minx and Seren have been getting along great today and by that i mean Seren tries to conversate and Minx tries not to kill him. If this is how minx is with Seren, who is the sweetest person, I can only imagine how he would be with literally any other person.

I wonder what it would be like if him and Corvin confronted one another.

Shaking my head I try to focus on my drawing, maybe I should sketch some faces. Grabbing my sharpener I quickly sharpen my pencil, sharp enough to skewer a lizard, not that I would.

With that i began to sketch, my pencil gently dragging against the paper, my motions fast but not too fast, my first face portrait was of minx, i don't know why but he just seemed interesting to draw, along with Seren, they were both very different looking, minx was rather masculine while Seren was more on the slim and had a couple of more feminine features, my third sketch was of the man that haunts me every sleeping and waking moment, the demon himself, his expression dark and mysterious as usual, his features so much darker and different from the other too, his eyes lacking every emotion but darkness, i couldn't help but even colour his eye's his enchanting green, just to be fair i did the same for the other sketches, but i couldn't help but spend extra time on Corvin's, making every detail was perfect.

"Interesting" a voice suddenly sang making me jump out of my skin, turning to see who it was, too my surprise it was Seren, his eye's filled with childish curiosity.

"That's definitely Corvin" he continued "you got every detail spot on, even his cold expression" he chuckled and took a seat next to me.

"Thank you?.." I said in a half confused manner.

"Aww you even drew me?" he smiled widely "you are an amazing artist, have you ever thought of doing art journalism?" I shook my head in response, i never really thought of using my hobbies for more than just, well hobbies.

"Well can you draw me some more?" he looked so enthusiastic, i couldn't help but agree.

Many poses later, I had filled at least 4 pages of my journal with Seren doing different poses, another 3 with just parts of him, like eyes, his nose, his fangs, mouth and tongue, even his hands and nails.

Minx did at one stage walk in on us while Seren was getting me to draw his torso, without a shirt on. And somehow he even convinced minx to let me draw him. Also shirtless...

"Minx can you at least act like you don't wanna kill Seren" he grumbled in response.
"Stop moving, just stay still for just a little longer"

"I have been staying still for 25 minutes"
"It's been 10 minutes you drama queen" I shook my head and finished up my final sketch. I had at least 14 pages of drawings, 7 pages of Seren and 7 of Minx. once i finished i sighed in relief and set my pencil down, almost at the same moment minx let out a deep breath and fell to the floor "that was torture.."

"Oh shush it was not, do you want to see?" I rolled my eyes as seren peaked over my shoulder looking at the drawings in awe, he had the face of an innocent child.

"Minx is so fit!" seren chuckled as minx got up to look

"Not bad, i don't think im that muscular though"

"Gotta compensate for the skinniness" I said jokingly, my ear being flicked as his response which made me flinch "ow!"

"Hey don't be mean she just drew you amazingly!" minx flicked seren's ear after he spoke which then caused the two to bicker at one another like a married couple.

But while they did so I couldn't help but wonder if corvin would allow me to draw him, was it worth risking my life for? perhaps it wasn't but maybe it was worth a shot, i mean i drew his face from memory, but it would be nice to have a full body sketch.

I smacked my cheeks, no I need to find a way to get rid of him, not draw him, he is sketchy no pun included, i can't trust him, he is the reason my leg is broken and i have a bite mark. He can't just try and claim me as his chew toy, i'm a independent woman i don't need a demon or a man.

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