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I was never a summertime person. I always thrived more in cold weather, with hot chocolate and a large jacket wrapped around me, snow falling onto the tip of my nose. So, when I stepped off my plane in Florida and was immediately hit with the sticky humidity that I knew and never loved, you could imagine how miserable I immediately was. Throwing my long red hair into a quick bun, I pick up my bags and piled them into my best friend's silver Nissan before jumping into the passenger seat.

"Oy, no need to slam the damn trunk", she says. I giggle and mutter a "sorry", although we both knew it was nowhere near sincere. I'm pretty sure she loves this car more than me, but what does sixteen years of friendship have against cruise control?

"Thanks for picking me up", I say as I get a good look at the brunette beside me for the first real time since arriving. Sarah Mann, my beautiful and boy obsessed best friend, who is already distracted by the group of athletes passing by that were on my plane. "Uh, hello, earth to Sarah?" I wave a hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance. "Hi, hello, it is me, your best friend, your better half, the light of your life, your whole world. Can we go now?"

"Sorry, you know how I get when I see handsome men in shorts and athletic tees. My two brain cells cannot function with all these distractions!" Sarah says. I laugh at her joke and lightly punch her on her arm. "Oh hush, we both know I'm the one with dumb bitch energy here." We share a laugh before security starts waving for us to get a move on. "Guess that's our cue! Alright Cherry, you ready?" She says, and off we go.

The drive back to Sarah's house was eventful to say the least. Having lived out of state the past few years, we had tons to catch up on. Between new jobs, new boys, new experiences, it's safe to say the trip was never quiet. I told her all about my new job in Human Resources, giving her as many details as I can without risking losing it. She tells me all about her new education program and all the strides she's making, as well as about the boy she's been seeing.

"He's just so dreamy, you know? He's got gorgeous brown eyes, and short brown hair that slightly moves when the wind hits. And his smile, his SMILE Cherry I'm telling you! I have never understood when people say a smile that lights up the room until I saw this man smile. He is PERFECT, I tell you. Absolutely perfect."

I smile at my best friend, seeing her so happy makes my heart soar. She's been through so much, and to see her come out on the other side makes me tear up a little. I don't let her see that though, otherwise we would both be blubbering messes. My mascara is too expensive for that.

We arrive at Sarah's within the hour, and immediately bring all my bags in. "Cherry Ann Davis, what the hell did you pack in here?! You're here for a week and you packed your entire closet!" She exclaims, dramatically throwing my duffel bag to the floor.

"Oh what, like that'd be a bad thing?" I say, winking at the girl in front of me. Sarah huffs and flips her hair before walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm hungry, what do you want to eat?" She asks.

"Grilled cheese?" I say. "I'll make some soup to go with it."

"Sounds perf," She says "Wanna invite the boys over?"

"Yeah sure, I'll give Levi a ring." I say, pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

Levi Johnson, my best guy friend since the second grade. We became friends when a bully pushed him to the ground, and then I gave the kid a black eye. Although he does more of the protecting now, him and I have always had eachothers backs. Except when he eats my Taco Bell. Then it's war.

I call up Levi and he answers on the third ring, telling me he'll be right over. I help Sarah finish up lunch, and right as we are done the doorbell rings. I open the door and within three seconds am no longer on the ground.

"Put me down, put me down, I'm gonna be sick!" I exclaim after being spun around over and over. I'm finally on solid ground, and nearly collapse. "Oh thank goodness, now when will the world stop moving?" I say, and hear a laugh beside me.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't resist. You know how much I missed you." My other best friend tells me, his jet black hair falling into his bright blue eyes. "Two years without my Cherr-Bear is two years too long!" He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I grin at him.

"Awww did wittle Levi miss me?" I joke with him, and give him a proper hug. "Kidding, you know I missed you. Where's Ash?"

"Oh he's studying right now, he said he'll be over in a bit. I brought someone else over if that's cool though?"

"Yeah of course!" Sarah shouts from the kitchen, "Just invite strangers into a woman's home without asking first, real smart idea there Levi!" He smiles and yells back, "Love you too Sarah!"

"Well," I ask, "Who is he?"

Before Levi can answer, in steps a blonde haired blue eyed boy, and I have to close my jaw before I embarrass myself.

"Hi! My name is Niall, Niall Horan. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" the boy says in a thick Irish accent.

Well, this week just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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