Mari's bedroom

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3rd Person POV

Ladybug detransforms and heads back to the gym, she let out a relieved sigh since her identity had almost been revealed. She was glad that Chat didnt notice or think anything of it.

Kagami catched up to Marinette "Hey Marinette"

"Oh hey Kagami.. look about earlier you can have Adrien-"

She interrupted her. "No it's okay, I understand. You can have him. I'm moving on"

"R-really? Marinette's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I'll help you get him"

"Thanks Kagami" she let out a smile and the two girls hugged.

A hand landed on Mari's shoulder "Marinette we gotta go" Marinette turned to see Adrien. Kagami pushed Marinette, making both Adrien and Marinette fall untop of eachother.

Marinette gave Kagami a 'You're gonna pay for this' look. She got off Adrien and helped Adrien up.

"Come on let's go, bye Kagami!" Adrien grabs Marinette's hand and they run to the car.

When they arrived to the park (the photoshoot place) Marinette and Adrien weared Chat Noir and Ladybug clothes to promote Gabriel's new design.

Marinette's outfit was a red crop top with black polka dots and had the word 'Ladybug' in the middle. As for the pants, they were light blue pants. They had a little ladybug at the top of the jean, having lined guiding down.

For Adrien, he weared a black hoodie with a green paw in the middle saying 'Pawsome'. For the pants, they were black sweatpants that had the words 'Chat Noir' to the side.

"You two are going to pose like lovers do" the photo grapher pushed them more next to eachother.

"Hold each others hands and look into eachother eyes" Adrien and Marinetre blushed but did what the photographer said.

"Great! Wonderful!" He continued "Adrien, now grab her waist, Marinette put your arms around his shoulder and act like you're gonna kiss!"

They both looked at eachother blushed. As they did what they were told to do, they looked at eachothers lips.

"Can we actually kiss?" Adrien asked.

Marinettes eyes widened. The photographer squealed in joy. "Yes of course! I thought you'd never ask!"

They hold on to eachother. Before they both knew, they felt eachothers lips. They kissed passionately and forgot the camera man was there.

- Time Skip -

After all the modeling and other activites, Marinette and Adrien finally got home. They plopped onto bed in relief.

Marinette looked at Adrien with a smirk "So what was that all about?"


"When you asked the camera man if we could actually kiss and when you asked the Chinese teacher how to say 'I love you' "

Adrien's eyes widened. "Oh. Nothing.. hehe.." he rubbed the back of his neck .

"Oh really now?" Marinette leaned her face next to Adrien, just like he did to her the other night.

Adrien put his hands on her head gently, and pulled her closer. "Yes really"

Marinette turned red as Nino and Alya walked in.

Nino looked at the two, laying in bed, Adrien being on top of her. "Did we interrupt something or..?"

Marinette pushed Adrien off her. "Nope you came just in time" she awkwardly laughed.

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