Life of a Child

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The sun came up and it said "Hello child you better get up, someones waiting". A grim on my face back then "Why wake me?" I answered. I was growing up I always thought I was a boy an eternal vessel of cuteness and hyper active things. So I got out of bed and ate, bathe, and went to school.

Starting my high school life in Mater Carmeli it showed a rainbow above it's evergreen garden and welcomed me in their loving family of carmelites. In around 7:50 am we went to our classrooms and welcomed each other with a smile on their faces believe it or not I was a loser back then full of childish pranks and corny jokes, no one wanted me to be their friend because I was a freakin weirdo god I was dumb and then I was thirsty so I saw a water fountain right beside the coordinators office went their with a grin on my face then it happened.....

I saw an Angel for the very first time It felt like heaven to see her smiling, I had a crush on her since then and this happened.

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