Bestfriends or More?

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Hey guys it's been a while. I know and Im really sorry it's just I don't know where to go with my first story so I decided that I would start a different one. And even though this may be a little cliche it will make it easier for me to finally get a full dinished story out on wattpad,

soooooooooo here it is!


"Ahhhhhhh Ryan! What the hell was that for?" I yelled at my bestfriend.

"Hahahaha sorry Chan. I was just trying to wake you up." He said with a smirk on his face that proved he wasn't at all sorry for rolling me off my bed.

"Grrrrrrrr your such a bad child!" I told him with a knowing smirk on my face.


"Ummm yea you kinda are Ry."

"No I'm not." He said with an evil smile on his face while walking closer to me.

Oh no he's gonna start spazzing me. " Ry I was just kidding. You know that right?" I asked slowly backing up away from Ryan and towards my bathroom.

"Ummmmm nope I didn't." He says then runs after me. I scream and turn as quickly as posible and grab my bathroom door shuting it as i run in and leaning my back and the door so i can lock it. Just in time! Gosh im lucky right now.

"Open the door Chan I wont hurt you." Ryan says hitting the door to my bathroom.

"Nahhh I'm good I have to shower anyways." I say undressing and getting ready to get in my nice hot shower.

Getting out of the shower I realized that I didn't bring clothes with me since I was running from Ryan. Oh wait I should probably tell you bout myself.

My names Chandler I know a weird name for a weird girl but it fits since I'm a fun crazy weird girl. Haha yea I'm not afraid of saying I'm weird. Anyways I have long gorgeous brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and am about 5"4. Yea I know kinda short but watevs. So I'm the girl all girls wanna be and the girl boys wanna be with although I don't really date. Plus they all just want me for my body since I'm fit. I dance hardcore and play soccer.

Oh wait your probably wondering who Ryan is, well he is my best friend since we were six. We live right next to each other and since we both have rooms on the side of the house we connected mine and his balconies.

Slowly opening my bathroom door, holding my towel close to my body, I sneak around Ryan whose laying on my bed waiting for me since he's already ready in his dark jeans and grey V- neck shirt that shows all his football muscles and his favorite nikes.

Going in my walk-in closet I pick out ripped skinnys and a grey off long sleeve off the shoulder top with an angel on the front that shows my toned tommy when I lift my arms and my favorite grey nit ugg boots.

" Hurry up I want your Oreo pancakes and we won't have enough time unless you go down and make them !!" Ryan yells as I'm coming out of my closet only to stop and just stare at me. Ok odd. He's been doing that lately.

"Ry is there something wrong with what in wearing?" I ask.

"Oh um no. No not at all you look beautiful. " he says while grabbing my arms. "and you'll look even more beautiful cooking me breakfast. "

"Haha nice Ryan. Maybe just for that comment I won't make them for you. " I say grabbing my bag, phone, and sunglasses. I head down the stairs to the kitchen to make Ryan his pancakes. He followed me down the stairs and sat down on a bar stool. I cooked in silence but not an awkward silence and comfortable.

" Here you go. " I say putting a plate with Oreo pancakes on it in front of him and grabbing my plate and sitting next to him at the island.

"Mhmmmmm yea that is soooooooo delicious. Did I ever tell you how much I love your cooking ?" Ryan says through shoving pancake in his mouth.

"Hahaha Ryan you tell me ever time I cook for you. And you can tell me again when we're in your car on the way to school. "

"Hahaha ok let's go I have my keys. " He says grabbing his keys and phone while heading out the door. I follow him after I grab my bag, phone and sunglasses.



As we pulled into the parking lock of school I could already see the sluts standing in front of Ryan's parking spot. When they saw his car coming thy started pulling up there skirts and pulling down their shirts to show off their boob jobs.

"Look Ry your fan club of sluts is waiting for you. " I said knowing he gets annoyed because he doesn't like any of them.

"Hahahaha yea I guess they ate. But wait Chan look there's yours. " He says pointing at all his guy friends from the football team that were staring at Ryan's car waiting for me to get out so the next one in line could ask me out.

"Great who am I gonna have to turn down today?" I ask Ry knowing he knows.

"Ummm I don't know. "

"Wipe that smirk off your face. You totally know!"

"Nope I don't. "

"Whatever you so do. Doesn't matter I'm gonna find out in two seconds when I get out anyways. " I say smirking while grabbing my bag and going to open my door, but Trent was already opening my door for me and held his hand out to help me out.

"Oh hi Trent. Thank you. " I say smiling at him.

"No problem. I mean I couldn't let a pretty girl like you not have a gentlemen open your door. " He says smiling a charming smiling. To bad it doesn't work on me.

"And I'm guessing you just decided to be that gentlemen for me?"

"Yep I guess I did. So want me to walk you to class?" He asks waiting for the possible agreement But Trent isn't actually that bad so I'll let him.

"Sure why not. " I say smiling at him.

"Actually Chandler your coming with me. " Ryan says not looking happy at all.

"Why?" I ask not understanding why he's getting so angry. All Trent is doing is walking me to class. Sure I've had millions of guys walk me to class before and he's never gotten this angry.

"Ya know why never mind. Have fun with Trent. " He says walking away after slamming his car door.

Looking at Trent I smile apologetically and say, "Sorry but I need to go see what's wrong. " I say not even waiting for a response before I go and run after Ryan. Being on the soccer team helped because when I found him he was at his locker with Monica pressed against him.

Great. Confession time I guess. I should probably tell you guys that I have liked my best friend since we first became friends and seeing him with Monica's tongue down his throat hurt especially when she's the biggest slut of the school.

My best friend, who I have been crushing on all my life, was picking a slut.


Soooo that's the first chapter! How was it? Do you like it? And if sooo make sure you comment and vote

If I get at least 10 votes I'll update!!!!

Also if you could think of a better title for the story that would be awesome because I don't really like the one I picked so it would be very appreciated if you guys could help me out!! Thanks

Soooooo please vote!


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