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Donghyuck lay in his bed restlessly, completely awake as the hours passed by. It had to have been around one a.m or something, though he was too nervous to open his eyes in case he wasn't able to close them again. Once awake at night, always awake at night.

A soft creak sounded from the bed opposite his. Mark's bed, to be precise. So he is awake....Hyuck thought, starting to have believed he was asleep with the others.

"Wow," the ravenette spoke quietly into the darkness. "Two quiet nights in a row, huh? You do surprise me, much as keeping me awake at night."

The younger tensed up, squeezing his eyes shut harder from fear and hoping the intense pounding in his chest couldn't be heard from where the other lay. What is he talking about? My sleepwalking three weeks ago?

More shuffling could be heard as the teenager moved to stand beside the window, pulling the curtains shut more since Taeil seemed to have forgotten to do so again. "I wonder if Ten is downstairs...." he hummed to himself, gazing at the moon briefly before striding back into the centre of the dorm room.

Does he go and see that guy every night? The brunette thought, mildly concerned though not having any way to ask about it. A soft knock to the door surprised him, and he felt his body freeze up as Mark tentatively went to answer it.

"Ten?" He whispered in amazement, "What are you doing up here? I was going to-"

"I came to make sure you were alright. Y'know....I've been thinking an awful lot about what you told me the other day."

"I shouldn't have said anything-"

"No, I'm glad you got it off your chest. Besides, who else could you tell?"

The shuffling of feet on the floor led Donghyuck to wonder whether they were leaving or coming in again. To his utter surprise, the next time they spoke, it was right beside his bed.

"So it really is him, huh?" Ten hummed, audibly leaning down to inspect Donghyuck's 'sleeping' face in the dark. "For such a sweet looking kid, I wouldn't have guessed he'd basically sexually harass you throughout the night."

"It's not only that," Mark sighed, "He tries to take showers, get dressed, run down halls, all in his sleep."

What are they talking about? Donghyuck wondered, terrified now with their close proximity. It's not me, right?

"Those scratches were pretty bad though...." the oldest continued, reaching his hand down to brush some of the youngest's fringe away. The brunette shivered from the touch, breathing picking up speed.

"Hyuck's not totally at fault though," Mark muttered woefully, sitting down on the edge of the mattress. "I'd be a liar if I said it was all him....and I didn't participate. He makes me weak, you know?"

"Why haven't you transferred rooms?"

"Because then some weirdo will take advantage of him. At least when I'm awake, I can protect him from getting seriously injured."

A thick silence enveloped the dorm, leaving a lot of room for thoughts to start flying. Donghyuck was close to tears, panicking on this inside from an overdose of news he hadn't forseen. Half of him wondered whether this was all a crazy dream, and he had fallen asleep after all.....but he knew he wasn't. The burn at the back of his eyes, the tightening sensation in his chest and that pain he felt when knowing Mark had been hiding all this crap from him, was all proof.

It's not true, it's not true, it's not true....

"Well, I suggest you stop giving into his sexual desires, Mark," Ten hummed lowly, stepping away from the bed. "Those marks on his neck are too obvious."

"Yeah, he thinks they're from bugs or something..."

No, no, no! You're lying! Mark, tell him you're joking! The youngest wanted to burst into tears, though his body refused to break the news to them both, that he was indeed awake.

"What do I do?" The younger ravenette asked dejectedly, tracing his thumb over Hyuck's cheek. "I can't go on like this, can I? But there's no way out....unless Donghyuck suffers as well."

"I'm not sure."

"You won't," Mark shied his hand away from the 'sleeping' boy's face. "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"Of course not," the senior scoffed quietly. "I'd be putting both of you in a compromising position if I opened my mouth."


"Don't worry about it. Now, do you want to come downstairs? He seems to be out cold."

Both bodies shifted away from the single bed, and before Donghyuck knew it, he was left alone in the dark room of sleeping boys. His eyes fluttered open sadly, chest heaving from the need to cry.

So that's just what he did.

Fresh tears built up at the corners of his eyes, and nothing could've stopped them flowing as he rolled onto his side and sobbed. He felt betrayed, lied to, confused.....all of those peaceful nights he assumed he had been through, weren't.

How is this possible? He questioned himself as little hiccups escaped his lips with the choked crying noises. How could I be doing weird stuff at night, and not waking up from it? Why didn't my parents tell me? Did they even know?

A more pressing question was; how long had this been going on for? He hadn't a clue, though really wanted to know. Needed to know.

As his limp body wore itself out from crying over the course of three hours, a light and restless sleep pushed him down into a dark subconsciousness. Now he was afraid to fall asleep. What if he moved again? What if Mark wasn't there to save him like he claimed he did?

What if these never went away, and he'd be stuck like this freakish sleeper for the rest of his life?

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Well, now he knows....
I hope this has gotten more interesting for you guys~

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now