chapter 1

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I sat on the bathroom floor of my flat, clinging the small, plastic device like my life depended on it. The little plus sign flashed back at me.

I took in slow, steady deep breaths, not knowing what to do next. Should I call someone? Tell my parents? No. They probably wouldn't care.

I haven't talked to either of my parents in over a year. Maybe I could tell my sister? Scratch that thought. Every time I try and call Candace, she cuts the call or turns off her phone.


Obviously I had to tell him...

Yes...the Harry Styles. 1/5 of the world's most popular boyband-- One Direction. We met at the State Fair two years ago, where I worked a summer job. He "accidently" spilled his slushy on me, or so he claims. Being the cheeky bastard he is, he offered to take me out on a date to make it up to me. 

I didn't know him...and he didn't know me. But when you're a hormonal sixteen year old, that doesn't matter. Well, we hit it off and ended up going on a second date. 

A month later, Harry asked me to make it official and be his girlfriend. Everyone, including the lads, were pretty surprised at the fact that our relationship has been this strong for the past few years. He's...well...had a reputation with the ladies.

My parents hated the fact that I was dating Harry. They preferred someone a little more...stable for me. 

But I loved Harry so much. We were absolutely perfect for eachother. We currently lived together in the same flat, and our relationship was as strong as ever.

I reached for my cellphone, hesitating to ring him up. 

Why was I so scared to tell my boyfriend I was pregant anyway? After all, it is his child. I mean...sure we're young. Really young in fact. With his tours and his career sky-rocketing, and me no where close to graduating, it'd be hard raising a kid at the same time.

What if he left me? What if he didn't want the baby?

"Ok, calm down Audrey," I breathed in, trying to soothe myself. 

Harry would never do that. He would never leave me, and he would certainly never leave his own baby.

 Why was I even worried? Everything's going to be fine...

Suddenly, I heard the front door opening, and the shuffle of feet in the kitchen. He's home. I smiled to myself, while getting up off the floor.

Harry was sitting on the kitchen island, pouring himself a glass of orange juice. 

"Hey babe," he grinned cheekily. 

"Hey," I smiled back, pecking him on the lips. He took advantage of it, and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me closer. He started kissing me with more force, eventually grazing his tounge over my lips, asking for an entrance. Before things got too escalated, I gently pushed him away.

"What's wrong, Auds?" he frowned.

"Nothing...I just..I have to tell you something Harry," I said nervously.

"Oh," he laughed, "Okay, well in that case, me too."

"Really? Well...I don't know how to tell you this..." I trailed off. 

"What? You're not breaking up with me, are you?" he stuttered, a nervous glint playing in his eyes.

"No! No...of course not. I just don't know where to start," I say softly.

"Hmm," he grinned. "Well, why don't we both say it out loud at the same time?"

"I don't's kind of serious Harry..." 

"One..two............" he said, a playful grin in his eyes.

"Harry wait it's---"

"THREE...I'M GOING ON TOUR AGAIN!" he said loudly.

"I'm...pregnant," I squeak, my voice cracking at the end. 

"YOU'RE WHAT?" he yells, getting up. "I'm pregnant, Harry," I smile, hoping this was just phase one of his oh my god I'm going to be a dad reaction. 

"Is it mine?" he asks, his face still twisted up in shock. "Of course it's yours!" I say back, a little louder this time.

"It can't's not.." he trails off, putting his face in his hands. "Harry, I was a virgin before you, and I've been faithful!" I yell at him, a single tear trickling down my face.


I flinch at his harsh tone. This was certainly not what I was expecting. 

"I know it's going to be hard, Harry, I know. But we're here for eachother, and we can get through this together," I try.


"Harry, just calm down..."

"Get an abortion," he says sternly. "What?" my head snaps up.

"I said get a fucking abortion," he scowls.

"Abortion? No. No! You're asking me to kill an innocent life? I can't do that," I say, shaking my head while tears continuously pour down my face.

"Then leave," he says, putting on a solidified expression. "Huh?" I ask, faintly.

"It's either me or the baby, Audrey. I can't have a kid now and you know that." 

"I can't believe you're asking me to choose between you or our baby, Harry Styles. I can't believe you!"

He refused to show any kind of emotion. "Harry, I can't do this by myself! Please, understand! I need you," I cry, breaking down. Normally, I would've stood my ground. I'm a pretty strong girl, but I felt incredibly hopeless at the moment. 

"Audrey, please. Stop making this harder than it already is," he says softly, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"So that's it...? You're not even going to make an effort? This is your final decision?" I sniffle.

His eyes pierce through my own, but he stays silent.

"No, no, I totally get it, Harry. You're career has always been more important to you. Always has, and always will be," I say, the anger simply boiling inside me.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I speak before he has the chance.

"I'll leave Harry. I never want to see you again. I hate you," I say in a rushed voice, quickly dashing out of the room. I swiftly grab my purse and the keys to my ten year old mini cooper and run out the front door. Also running from the love of my life.

I start up my car and buckle up as fast as I can. He doesn't even come running after me. I back out of our driveway and started driving down the road, not knowing what to do next or where I was even headed to.

Tears blurred my vision, and I bit my lip as hard as I could to keep from breaking down right then and there.

Little did I know that that moment would change my life forever. 

And that was definitely not the end of me and Harry Styles.

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