Cozy Sleeping Place

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I lay the pillow and blankets on the floor....
Then all of a sudden Haru looks like she just had an idea. A terrible idea.

"Hey Tori~"
She gets closer to me with a smug look on my face.
Nope. She's going to murder me. I'm not up for this. I should run.
I can't move.


"How about we, ya know...."
No no no no-
Haru creeps closer....and closer...

"Um.. what are you doing...?!"

"Well I was wondering.... if you wanted to have a sleepover!!"
She starts jumping up and down with excitement.
Oh. Yeah nope, not happening, you could never be too careful. I mean, I can't just have a random girl come in steal my food and then have a sleep over with her. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen. Nope. Doesn't happen. Ever.

"Thanks but.... I'd rather sleep in my bed..."

"Aww! But it'll be so much fun!"

"No, I'll pass."
Nope. I'm not doing this. I'm locking myself in my room tonight. Alone. Alone with my pet. All lonely people have cats. But I'm a happy lonely person. So I have a gold fish. Named guppy.

"Fine. But your missing out."

"Right... anyway I guess it's getting kinda late so I'm going to sleep. You can head to bed whenever you want, just please don't rob me, burn my house down, or attempt to murder me. Goodnight."

" I... i wasn't going to do any of that.... but yeah, good night."
Haru sits down on her pile of blankets and try's to get comfy as I walk to my bedroom and lock the door.
I lay down, exhausted, and look at Guppy who is in his bowl on my dresser and swimming around as if there isn't a possible murderer in my house.

"Your so lucky Guppy. Innocent, careless, adorable. Well, good night."

Also when I said "all lonely people have cats" I was mostly talking about me.
So don't worry I'm not calling you out.  ÙwÚ

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