They Aren't What They Seem

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Demons - Imagine Dragons

Izuku ran through the freshly mowed grass of the school oval. Doing everything in his power to simply get away from the harsh comments and loud explosions. No matter what Izuku said, they would always assume him quirkless.

"CMON DEKU! WHY YOU RUNNING?" a harsh voice called out, closely followed by more explosions. Izuku quickly climbed over the fence, sprinting off into the forest before Katsuki Bakugo could catch up. Unfortunately for him, he could feel the heat caused by said boys explosions closing in on him.

Izuku turned to his left to look at the small shadowy creature that followed wherever he went, the creature made eye contact with its hazy toxic green eyes. Izuku let out a deep breath, reaching into his pocket, whispering something under his breath to a blank card before stopping.

He slowly turned around, the previously blank card now had glowing black symbols. Izuku, at the time, wasn't aware of what they meant, relying on his shadowy companion to help him translate. A static voice called out next to him, "Karma call seventeen..." Izuku nodded, throwing the card at the creature as it grasped it with its jaw.

Izuku nodded as Bakugo rounded the corner,  he paused at the sight of the mangled creature next to Izuku, only the size of a small cat. It's dull green eyes staring at him intently until Izuku made the call, "Karumashi," and the creature immediately pounced forward.

The card was thrown by the creature as it jumped back, the card hitting Bakugo in the leg, he watched in shock as it vanished into his skin, in a desperate attempt to get it out, he started kicking his leg around until he heard a snap echo out from behind him. Turning around to a falling tree, Bakugo raised his palm and attempted to blow it away in an explosion, but no such luck. The tree crushed the boy, the vibrant green leaves lying at Izuku's feet as he watched his childhood 'friend' struggle under the weight of the overgrown twig.

Izuku nodded towards the creature, silent tears of black trailing down his face as he turned, walking deeper into the forest, the creature trailing behind as the sound of numerous rushed footsteps rounded the corner.

The group of three middle schoolers looked down at the stuck Bakugo with surprise, turning to find the green haired boy nowhere in sight. They used their quirks to lift the medium sized tree, dragging the bruised and battered boy out from under it.

"what the fuck happened?" one of his lackeys with a limb growth quirk asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Bakugo huffed, limping slightly as he dusted himself off, "a fucking tree happened!" Bakugo snapped back with a sharp edge to his tone. He couldn't help but picture the far away look on Izuku's face, the black and green whispy creature that followed him.

'Maybe Deku really did have a quirk'.

Karma Call Seventeen - Shizen no ikari

Written On Cards - BNHA Support AUWhere stories live. Discover now