Chapter 1: How It All Started

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Her sinister glare shot deep into my sole, carving out any last drop of hope.
Then she smiled, and and her hand dug deep into her purse. She pulled out bright pink lip gloss and lathered it onto her lips in a monstrous layer. She whipped around, her hair like a blonde tornado in my face, and strutted away. Oh, the things she said made me want to curl into a ball and die. I bet you want to know what she said, don't you? Well let me just tell you about her. Her name is Lisa Hollister. My best friend since preschool. Yep. I guess you could say we where the two biggest nerds in school. We both had a shared love for history... And science, and math and language arts, and reading, in other words: school.
But then one day that all changed.

It was a sunny Thursday in science class, me and Lisa where sitting together. 'Guess what!' Lisa outbursted to me while the teacher, Mrs.Higgz, was passing out papers. 'What?' I said with a sly look on my face. Lisa rolled her eyes, 'I said guess'
'Did you...get another dog?' I asked.
'Nope. Two more tries.' Lisa said with a grin.
'Did you...get me something?'
'I give up, ya got me.' I had no idea what else to guess and Lisa didn't exactly seem proud of me for that according to the look she gave me. Then her face lightened up and and she almost shouted; 'My grandma, Lowis, is coming over all the way from Ohio to see me this weekend!' My face instantly got as bright as her's! Lisa has the best grandma in the world and she is so nice! 'And, my mom says that you can come over if you're not already busy!' She mentioned. My face went blank. I already had plans this weekend to go camping with my dad. 'Oh, about that..' I frowned. 'I'm going camping this weekend with my dad. I'm sorry.' Lisa frowned with me. 'Awe poopz!' She exclaimed. Mrs.Higgz came oVer and handed us a paper with the heading 'Exploring Cells' on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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