Choose Your Prompts :)

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Hi my lovely readers! How are you doing? I hope everyone is keeping safe and well wherever you are in the world. As always, I am always around if you want to talk about anything stressing you out. You can message me on here or on Tumblr if you wish (link is in my bio :)).

So, I have compiled a list of prompts below, some for Wolfstar, some for Jily, some for both and some for the Marauders in general. They'll be a mixture of canon, magical AUs and non-magical AUs - so you can pick and choose as you please! Basically, just let me know in the comments which ones you want me to write and I'll get to it for you!


1) Lily is stressed with exams and her responsibilities as Head Girl. James decides she needs to chill out. - JILY FLUFF

2) James has just lost his parents to Dragon Pox. With Sirius seeking comfort with Remus, who will James go to? Cue Lily Evans. - JILY HURT/COMFORT

3) Harry James Potter has just been born and the Marauders couldn't be happier. But Remus is the only person who hasn't held him yet. It's up to Lily to find out why. - REMUS AND LILY BROMANCE HURT/COMFORT

4) After Snape called her a mudblood in front of their entire year, Lily runs away hurt and upset. Remus knows what it's like to be called names more than anyone so he steps up to comfort her. - REMUS AND LILY BROMANCE HURT/COMFORT

5) Sirius turns up at James' door, battered, bloodied, bruised and dragging his trunk behind him. Suffice to say, James has had enough of Walburga Black. - SIRIUS AND JAMES BROMANCE HURT/COMFORT

6) Both Sirius and James are completely fascinated with the strange boy who shares their dorms. So, they hatch a plan to get him to finally agree to be friends with them... Poor Remus...

7) Sirius isn't stupid. After all, his parents had trained him up his entire life to recognise the characteristics of so-called 'half-breeds'. He just never expected his room mate to be a werewolf. - WOLFSTAR I'M NOT SURE IF THIS WILL BE ANGST OR FLUFF OR SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN WHO KNOWS YOU CAN DECIDE LOL

8) It's the lunar eclipse tonight. Remus has faced it before and he knows what's coming. He just can't risk his friends being there. So he does the only thing he can do...and Sirius begs him not to. - WOLFSTAR ANGSTTTTTTT LIKE THIS ONE IS EXTREMELY ANGSTY TREAD CAREFULLY IF YOU WANT THIS ONE 


9) Sirius tells Remus what he wants to do in life - WOLFSTAR FLUFF

10) Remus attends the funeral of Lily, James and Peter alone. - REMUS LUPIN ANGST

11) Remus had a rough day but Sirius is always there with a comforting hug...oh yeah, and a record player. - WOLFSTAR HURT/COMFORT AND FLUFF

12) James wants to propose to Lily, so he goes to Remus for help. - JAMES AND REMUS BROMANCE FLUFF

13) Lily figures out Remus' secret. Remus explains to her what it means. - LILY AND REMUS BROMANCE HURT/COMFORT

14) The Prank. - WOLFSTAR ANGST

15) Sirius is having a breakdown in the aftermath of The Prank but James, Remus and Lily aren't there. It's up to Peter to help. - PETER AND SIRIUS BROMANCE HURT/COMFORT AND FLUFF IDK I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT PETER


16) Sirius never wanted to be a doctor but his family's ideals pushed it onto him. He works in a lab where he studies werewolves. He doesn't expect to meet someone like Remus. - WOLFSTAR HURT/COMFORT

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