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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I was ready with all of my stuffs packed. I was wearing a plain white shirt and a blue jean. Nina was kinda excited and scared. Obviously she had never lived anywhere else, except our grandparents house. All this would have been fine if Elijah didn't cross my path. Mom was right, the Cooper's are dangerous and they get what they want. He can kill me and he will feel no remorse. It was almost 9 and there is no sign of Elijah. Now he is the late one. I thought he was punctual but where is he now?

"Who is Elijah Cooper? Why are we staying with him?" Asked my sister. Yeah he is my creepy boss and I don't know why he is doing this with me. Elijah is really hard to read, he is like a mysterious vampire guy in a high school and he loves to suck people's happiness.

"He is a good friend of mine and moreover you will love it there" I said with a smile. She looked not so happy. I mean I don't even want to leave my house but I guess we have to. I grew up here, this house is my childhood but Elijah don't understand this stuffs.

"Your friend is Jane. Elijah doesn't look like your friend" said Nina. Detective Nina is on the work. I wonder if Elijah like kids, otherwise Nina might be a problem. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He might be here. I quickly open the door. To my surprise it was Fredrik and two other people wearing everything black. It's like men in black. I kinda got scared.

"Mam are you ready? Should we be going?" Asked Fredrik, politely. I nod my head. Fredrik told the people to take my luggage. I am stupid to think that Elijah will come himself, of course he had people for this type of works. At least i don't have to grab all the luggage myself.

"Thank you" I said to Fredrik. He look like a loyal dude. I don't believe he works for Elijah. I cannot imagine how rude he might be with this poor guy. Fredrik just need a wig on his bald head and then he is good to go. It's not like I hate bald people.
"Don't thank me. It's all because of Elijah, you should thank him" said Fredrik. I just nod my head. He is the reason I have to go through this in the first place. He don't deserve my thanking.

"Ok everything is done, now we should go" said Fredrik. I hold Nina's hand, she is not good with unknown people. A limo was parked outside my house. Nina was amused by it. I don't care about this anymore, he can buy everything with his stupid money but not me. At least he can never buy love or happiness with money. I guess Elijah is a lonely sad guy who loves to hide behind his wealth and power. We get inside the car and Fredrik drove the car. The other two men looked like bodyguards. Ugh stop with this weird imagination, they just work for him not bodyguards. He might have a personal bodyguard though, at least he should have.

"Have you seen the car? It's so cool" said Nina, she was whispering to me. I know, Nina is super excited. She gets happy so easily.

After an hour we reached his mansion. Fredrik open the door for us. Nina was shocked, she has never seen a mansion before.

"Come with me" said Fredrik. We follow him. He pressed the door bell. There was a cctv camera in front of the door. Suddenly the door open and I saw a women. She looked like a middle aged women.

"This is Lila, my wife and the housekeeper" said Fredrik. She is beautiful. I smiled at her.

"Elijah is not at home but he gave me all instructions, let me show  your rooms" said Fredrik. Rooms? I thought Nina is going to stay in my room. I stare at Nina but she looked very comfortable. I take Nina in a corner.

"Hey, would it be okay if they give you a different room to stay? It's a new place after all" I asked Nina. She looked happy. I guess she is much more excited than I thought.

"It's ok, Nene. I will be fine. Beside I am growing up" said Nina. I laughed at her. She is so adorable.

"Ok, so are you ready to see your rooms now?" Ask Fredrik. I nod at him. We followed him. Apparently our rooms was next to each other, which is great. This house must have multiple rooms. The first room was beautifully decorated and the room was pink. The room was huge. It had butterflies all over the wall. I guess someone used to stay here before, because I don't think Elijah have this type of taste. Nina loved the room and she took it for herself. She was so happy.
"Can I put my toys and clothes here?" Asked Nina.

"Of course" said Fredrik. Nina jumped and started to unpacking her luggage. I have never seen her this much excited. She basically hate new places but this was different.

Then Fredrik show me my room. It was huge too. The room was white and plain, with some paintings on the wall. I liked it. The room was giving me home feelings. The bed was clean and covered with blue bedsheet. The room had a bathroom and a closet. It also had a couch with a centre table.

"You should take some rest. If you want to eat anything, you can call Mrs. Henley. She will be downstairs" said Fredrik. He was leaving but I had some questions, so I stop him. Curiosity kills the cat.

"Hey, um, why was that room decorated? Anyone used to stay there?" I asked. He laughed. Is it funny? I shouldn't have asked that question.

"Well you must be asking because of the colour and the decorations. Anna Brown used to stay here but she left and now she stay somewhere else" said Fredrik. Anna? She used to stay with Elijah. Why did she left? Maybe because of Elijah. Elijah must have rudely talked to her or something. Who would like to stay with him anyways? He is an angry old man.

"And where is Elijah's room?" I asked. Why did I ask that? My cheeks turned red. I don't care about his room.

"His room is upstairs. He don't like anyone to enter in his room, not even me, so I would tell you to stay away from that room" said Fredrik. Why don't he let anyone to enter? Mr. Mysterious here. He is so weird. It's not like he has some extreme secrets.

"Yeah I was just asking. I would not go, don't worry. Can I just take some rest now? I am tired" I said. Fredrick nod and left. He is a nice attendant.

I was exhausted. I like the room and the people here except Elijah. He would probably scream at me for nothing. I don't believe Anna used to stay here. He said that they were best friends. How can Elijah have a best friend? But then Anna left his house and go somewhere else, so that is kinda weird. Then out of nowhere I heard my sister screaming. Oh no what happened? I quickly run towards her room, which was next to my room. I saw Nina on top of the bed and  screaming. She was scared of the enormous dog in front of her. Nina scared of dogs, she might get senseless when she saw a dog near her. Before I could do anything Fredrik took the dog out of the room and give the dog to Lila.

"Sorry but this is Bruno and he loves to meet new people. Elijah loves Bruno" said Fredrik. Bruno was a husky breed dog. He was huge in size. I love dogs unlike my sister. I didn't know Elijah is a dog lover. At least he loves dogs. It's nice to know that he still have a heart.

I ran to my sister and hugged her. "You okay? It's fine" I said. She was terrified. She must have got a mini heart attack.

"That thing just chewed up my slipper" said Nina. I laughed at her. She is so funny. What will I do without you? I wish mom was here. I am missing her so much.

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