• Im Scared To Die •

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Koushi POV:

The floor squeaking with every step we took. All the yells of excitement.

'Boom' the sound filled the air as our side scored a point from the long-haired male.

"Good job Asahi!" I gave him a high five as the sounds of excitement filled the air.

"Looks like their side won yet again!" Coach yelled.

We all smiled as the other side congratulated us.

"Thanks guys."

Then that was the moment, the moment I got a phone call.

I picked it up.

"This is Sugawara Koushi, how may I help you."

"Koushi, oh goodness you picked up." I recognized the voice immediately.

"Ms.(L/N)!?" It was (Y/N)'s mother. My girlfriend's mother.

"Ok Koushi call down but I have some very bad news to tell you."

"What is it?"

"(Y/N), she's in the hospital, I'm outside her room right now, but the time for visits is almost over so come over quickly!"

That second I packed my bags and dashed, I hung up on Ms.(L/N) and told her I was coming right away.

Before the volleyball guys could say anything I dashed out the door making a run for it.

At the Hospital

There, I came face to face with Ms.(L/N).

She nodded, then I quickly went to (Y/N)'s room.

"Your finally here." She said weakly.

"What the hell happened!" I yelled but quickly softened my face.

"Haha, well I guess I have been hiding this from you long enough."

I looked at her confused.

"The truth is... I have cancer."

My eyes widened.

"The cancer was way to strong, so the doctors couldn't do anything for me to fight the cancer."

"Today, I felt really weak and collapsed on eve I got back home from school, the doctor said, today is the day I died."

She said the last part with a smile, not like any other one though. While she smiled she seemed.. sad, and well, scared.

I hugged her, tears filling up my eyes.

I didn't know what to do, I was scared.

I pulled away and looked into her (e/c) eyes.

Was this the end? No, it can't be, right?

"I'm sorry Koushi from keeping this a secret, I had to protect you."

"I know, I know." I said, tears still running down my cheeks.

She hugged me one more time, I heard the heart rate monitor beep slower.

"I'm scared to die." She said tears filling her eyes.

"You know Koushi, I love you."

Those were her last words, before dying, before leaving me, all alone.

All by Myself


A/N: Sorry for making you die it's just that, I needed to write some stuff like that because right now I watched sad animes all day.

I watched A Silent Voice, I Wanna Eat Your Páncreas, In A Corner Of This World, and My Name. Yes all of those. Anyways have a good day!

Author-Chan ~

☾ 𝙸'𝚖 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘 𝙳𝚒𝚎 ➳Where stories live. Discover now