twenty one

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What happened to start as a small mistake, on Mark and Ten's behalf one night, turned into quite a sticky mess the longer it dragged out.

No matter how hard he tried, Mark could not succeed in having a civilised conversation with Donghyuck. It was like flying back to square one, even though they hadn't really made much progress with their relationship to begin with.

Now that his friends knew, it still didn't help him at all. All it solved was his problem with lying, and now he had extra moral support. Aside from that tiny pro, the cons were stacked against him.

"If he knows about what he's doing now, then that explains why he's forcing himself to stay awake most nights," the ravenette sighed, sitting on Renjun's bed as he watched all his friends pack their bags. It was the end of the last day of school before the students were released for their overdue midterm break. Unfortunately, Mark's parents couldn't come to get him, nor could he catch a bus to get home.

"Knows about what?" Jisung chirped, standing up from his crouched position to think more about what he needed.

Chenle shrugged like it was perfectly normal, "Donghyuck....talks in his sleep."

Jeno frowned, "Okay.....that's a stupid reason for all this drama-"

"What you find stupid could be a serious problem for someone else," Renjun interrupted him, shoving more clothes into his case. So far, Jeno and Jisung were still blissfully unaware of the problem at hand, since they were Hyuck's friends.

"Don't tell him," Jaemin reminded the clueless pair. "He's super secretive about it, and if he knew Mark was talking about it, he'd be pissed."

They nodded, though neither were stupid, and could tell that there was something more serious than 'sleep-talking' at play.

"Just so you're aware, Donghyuck doesn't go home during the holidays," Jeno reminded the older. "He told you this, right?"

"I know," Mark grumbled, "It's not like he talks to me anyway. I'll be lonely all week."

"Then sort your differences out!" Chenle hissed. "Watching you act all sorry for yourself is so annoying, when all that's needed is a goddamn chat. Talk this out."

"I've tried!" Mark snapped. "Have you not seen my tireless efforts to hold a conversation with him?! If not, then shut the fuck up!"

"Woah, that's a lot of hostility," Jaemin cringed, "Let's all breath in, and out-"

"Shut. Up. Jaem!" Both screamed simultaneously.

The five teenagers all started to get frustrated and heated with how irritated their friend was. Mark was as equally a ticking time bomb as Donghyuck was, yet he wasn't noticing his own behaviour.

When the bickering got louder and louder, another random junior had to slam their fist against the closed door and yell, "Will you lot knock it off?!"

Each boy flinched, falling into an uncomfortable silence. There were many ways to sort this issue out, and everyone could see a different approach.

Not a one of them agreeing.

"Look, by the time we get back, have this shit solved," Renjun muttered, slinging his bag over his shoulder and standing up straight. "We shouldn't have to be dragged down because you two can't share a bone."

"He's being insufferable!" Mark scowled, folding his arms and sporting quite the pout.

"You're both so immature," Jeno shook his head as he led the way out. "Both you and Donghyuck need to grow up first, how about that?"

That was the last thing his friends told him before everyone started to disappear from the school, going home to spend some time with family.

Mark was left alone.....standing in the lobby whilst staring out the window at the snow covered campus. The roads were better as of late.....but not enough for busses to risk running again.

Ten tapped his shoulder gently, watching as the taller turned to face him.

"Look after yourself for a week, yeah?" He winked, moving to walk towards the door.

"Have fun," Mark smiled forcefully, having it in him to beg the older to stay....but that was a selfish thing to do. Instead, he watched as the ravenette wandered down the small pathway in his snow boots, carrying his bag along to a posh car.

Now everyone he knew was gone.....everyone except Donghyuck.

Turning to look at the door to the dining hall, the teen wondered whether stress eating was such a good idea when there was nobody to stop him. Yet what else was he to do?

The internet up in the mountains was shit, especially with the disruption from snow damaged power lines. The board games kept under the tables of the common room were for multiple players. Everything in this school was designed for socialising, so this situation wasn't ideal.

"Oh...." a small voice croaked from the doorway of the kitchen. The older flicked his attention to the boy, eyes widening with surprise.


The other looked down at his feet, his whole demeanour much more shifty and uncertain now. Clearly, he wasn't expecting the company.

Mark chewed the wall of his cheek, unsure of what to do right now. Should he have made the first move? Talk to him? Ignore him? Run away like he really wanted to?

"Why haven't you gone home?" The younger ended up enquiring, still keeping his eyes down-set.

"Same as you......I can't get there."

This elicited a short scoff from him, Donghyuck finally glancing in his direction again. "Of all the people to be stuck in school with....."

"Yeah," Mark chuckled, "It had to be me."

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𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now