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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I wake up due to a knock on the door. I feel weird sleeping in a new place. Though I was sleeping for longer period of time. I should check on my sister. I get up from the bed and open the door. It was Fredrick.

"What would you like to have for lunch?" Asked Fredrik. Wow, I thought they will make whatever they like. Didn't expect that they will ask me.

"Noodles would be fine, hey where is my sister?" I said.

"She is with Elijah" said Fredrik. Elijah? He is home? What is he doing with Nina? I should go and see her. Fredrick smiled at me and left. I put my hair into a bun. I quickly open the door and ran to my sister's room. She was not there. Where are they? Elijah don't like anyone in his room so Nina would definitely not be there. I heard laughing sound from the downstairs. I follow the noise. It was Nina's voice. This house is so huge that you can get lost. There was huge glass door which leads you to the back garden. I have been to the back garden before but it was just a small part. The garden was huge. The garden was bigger than my future. I saw Elijah and Nina. The garden had some cool lightings. Nina was staring at the pond. Yeah, there was a private backyard pond with Koi fish in it. It was beautiful. Nina looked fascinated by the scenario. Elijah was sitting little bit away from her as he was holding Bruno in his hand. Bruno was unusually silent in his arm, at least dogs like him. They were talking and laughing about something. I don't know what to do. Nina never talk to unknown people this was really weird and Elijah didn't seemed to be angry at all. I get closer to them. Nina saw me and get excited.

"Nene, look at this fishes, they are so beautiful. Elijah was telling me about them and their names, isn't it cool?" Said Nina. The fishes were really beautiful. I loved it. I thought Elijah hate kids but I guess I was wrong. I wonder how he remember the names of this many fishes.

"Elijah also gave me so many chocolates. He passed my bestie test, so we are best friends now" said Nina. Oh my god. Hell no. Nina has a bad taste in finding best friends. I need to teach my sister, not to make friends with creepy people.

"Yeah we will go on that amusement park too, as promised. Some people think I have been hated by others but actually people love me" said Elijah. I know he target that towards me. He can buy anyone with money. Typical Elijah Cooper. I don't know why Nina makes him her best friend suddenly and now they are going to amusement park. They do high five and Nina left, laughing. I was alone with Elijah. I was feeling like to slap him for no reason. He is such a player. He knows how to make people obey him. Nobody loves him, I am sure about it. He will always be a lonely pathetic guy.

"So, how did you manipulate my sister?" I asked. Elijah's face turn to anger from happy real quick. I don't get scare from him. He can do anything. Why is he doing that? Nina don't want his company. I don't want to be in Elijah's debt.

"Excuse me? Do you have any idea what are you talking about?" Said Elijah. Yeah, he is going to act now. I don't trust him.

"I know my sister and she would never call a stranger her best friend" i said. I could only see anger in his eyes. Am I crossing my limits? I don't think so.

"I think you loose your mind Nora, take some rest" said Elijah. I didn't lost my mind, he did. I was angry on him but there was no reason. Maybe I just wanted to argue with someone. What is happening with me. It's all because of those meds, maybe. I am having mood swings, really bad.

"Sorry I am just not feeling well and all this emotions are so strong, it making me sick" I said. I didn't thought to say sorry but here I am. It was my fault anyways. Suddenly I wanted to cry. I was missing mom so much, I want to see her again. Without thinking once I hugged Elijah. I was embarrassed but to my surprise he hugged me back. I don't know what was happening with me but It was feeling nice. His cologne engulf me. I was waiting for him to say something but he didn't said anything. Suddenly Elijah's phone rang. He pick up the phone and disappeared. Ugh, are you dumb Nora? Why was I hugging him? He definitely hate me now. God save me. I cannot control my emotion.

After that Fredrik called me for lunch. Apparently Elijah eats in his room. I thought he eat in this antique ugly looking table. The table must be expensive but it was ugly and I hate it. There was lots of food. I asked for noodles but there was much more than that. Nina was excited as always. She is enjoying the most, which I wanted her to be. I should thank Elijah for that, though it was his fault. Why did I talk to him like that, earlier? I am embarrassed.

After lunch, I went closer to his room. The door was wooden. He don't like anyone into his room. Should I knock? He might be busy. No, because of him I have to stay here. He told other company not to hire me. He is the troublemaker. If he wanted us to stay then I would make sure to turn his sweet alone time into hell. I will make him so irritated that he will be forced to sent me back home. Why would he even want me in his house in the first place? It's weird. I knock on the door. No response. I knock again. This time he opens the door.

"I think your room is down the hallway at the corner, this is my room" said Elijah. He really is in the mood to do sarcasm.

"I know, I just wanted to talk" I said. He looked confused or at least he was trying to be.

"Ok get in but do not dare to touch anything" said Elijah. He moved and let me in. I was shocked to see his room. I stood there like a kid in a candy shop.

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