"W-Where are your pants?!"|Fluff|

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Carson's POV:
I sigh and think about who could be my dorm roommate. What if it's a bully? I start to overthink all of the bad possibilities I deeply sigh when I reach my dorm " Here we go" I mumbled and open the door to see the one and only Sen on the small bed playing video games"Sen?" I say "Hm? Oh hey Carson! Guess were dorm buddies, aye?" He says while turning the gaming system off "Y-Yea I guess so" I say with a smile but at the same time I was worried. I dont know why. I just was. But then I noticed something "SEN, WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!" I scream and covered my face trying to hide my now blood red face "Oh I'm wearing a pair of shorts! It's just my hoodie is to big- heh" he says and giggles.
Dangit why is so cute for? I sigh and start to unpack my bags noticing Sen's side of the room was a complete mess "Did you just throw everything around just so you can play?" I asked and chuckled a bit "Yep!" He said with a huge grin while plopping onto his bed while his bed creaked a bit- I then hear Sen burst out laughing "Hehehe I guess we're gonna have to use your bed aren't we~" he said winking at me "Ehhh?!?!" I try not to make it seem like I got flustered but- Its hard not t when your friend is always making dirty jokes!!
"You're gonna turn me into some flirty perv,Hm?" I whisper but enough for him to hear me "Maybe I will maybe I won't, Baby~" He said. One of these days I'm gonna get back at him.

(GO CHECK OUT THE ORIGINAL STORY ON MY FRIEND ctincher22 Its called Roomates so- XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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