The chosen one

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There once was a kid named Kaelin, now you may ask what's so important about her, well Kaelin was a asain growing up in asia in a city named Gamadee. This city enslaved Asians in their own country. She was only 5 when it happened, these devilish humans came to her city and took it over. About a week after the takeover, a revolution started. Kaelin's parents joined it. Her parents both got shot. Kaelin ran for her house, hiding under the bed. She stayed in the house for years, alone. Every year it got worse, more people were being killed than being born. By the time Kaelin was 15, she knew she had to make a move. Breaking in the evils base, stealing a sword and proudly calling herself a samurai. Every day at 5am she would get on top of a building and parkour to the next. One day she did it at 4am, she had a mission. The mission was to meet an old friend named Gramercy. Gramercy was a person that was 96 years old, but he was very wise. As Kaelin jumps from building to building she look at the time, it was 4:56am. She had to make it before 5am. She quickly runs in the building.
"We must hurry," someone said.
Kaelin follows them into a private area, "you must end this' ' the figure says. Revealing they are Gramercy.
"Yes, master" Kaelin replied. "So who are these people?"
Gramercy answer's "these inslavers are called Franchiser freedom".
"But they don't give freedom".
Kaelin stands up, agreeing to stop them. Walking out the building.
Some Franchiser freedom people (FFP) walk by, Kaelin quickly hides. Turning around to see a big brute, the brute hits her, knocking her out.


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