Remember me?

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2:33 AM

I was awake. It wasn't peculiar that I was awake tonight, actually it's quite understandable. Last night was intense. I gripped the sink tightly for support as the weighty thoughts of the night haunt me during my waking hours.

Loud noises of people drinking and shouting... Bright lighting which blinked rapidly... Screams of less intoxicated party-goers... Wailing sirens... Copious amounts of blood, stained on my shirt...

I closed my eyes and shuddered violently. I turned on the tap and let the sound of running water fill my ears. Looking up into my reflection, I saw that I looked as rough as I felt. My usually tame wavy brown hair was now a matted minefield lying lifelessly on my head. I was still wearing the clothes I wore at the party, they were ruined: completely ensanguined in blood. My face was pale from shock which made my freckles stand out distinctly. I looked haggard in the fluorescent lights of my bathroom. I needed sleep, but it would never come if I tried. I was weak.

I snapped the running tap shut and began to vigorously scrub my face as if I could wash away the sins I had witnessed. It didn't work. I went at it until my fingertips shrivelled up and wrinkled, but ultimately nothing happened.

That's when I saw it. As I dried my face and looked into the mirror once more, I saw a person. I looked immediately at the door to see if anyone could've broken in but I found the door was exactly as it was: locked.

I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. I swear in that moment, I got paler. My grip on the sink vanished as my hands had a covering of sweat over them. My shaky hands were clumsily scrambling for anything on the vanity desk that could possibly be used to protect myself. I looked back at it through the mirror, fear evident in my eyes.

The person gave this unnerving feel to the room. It wasn't facing me. It was standing dead still in the direction of the wall to my left. It's side profile looked almost 2D. The room felt lifeless, the temperature had dropped a few degrees and the lights began blinking signaling the end of their existence.

All of a sudden, it turned.

It's electric blue eyes bored straight into mine. I couldn't help but gasp as I took it all in. It had an eerily symmetrical face, sharp features and powder white skin which gave her an uncanny resemblance to a china doll. It's vivid blood red hair cascaded down its petite shoulder contrasting greatly with its dingy surroundings. It was wearing a spotless pearl white robe which flowed out elegantly. It looked ageless, so fragile. As if the gentlest breeze could shatter it to pieces.

I grabbed my hairbrush and spun around swiftly aiming it high in front of me, my arms shaking. I whimpered as it took a step towards me.

"W-Who are you-u? W-Why are you i-in m-my b-bathroom?" I stuttered, the panic evidently reaching my voice.

It approached me slowly and silently like it was gliding on thin ice and stopped abruptly a metre away. It's deep red lips parted slowly.

"Hello Celeste," it replied sweetly.

To say I was taken aback would've been a severe understatement, but I didn't falter in my already fearful stance. "H-How do you kn-know me? I-I don't know you."

The noise that filled the room was no short of petrifying. It laughed. It was high-pitched and abnormal and as it laughed, the whole room laughed with it too. The tiles shifted, the pipes creaked, the lights blinked faster. However, when it stopped, everything stopped. I certainly hoped that the person in my bathroom wasn't God because Hell was sounding to be a better off deal at this moment.

"Don't you remember me?" she asked quietly, sending chills down my spine, "I'm here with you every day and every night, watching over you," it took a step closer, "guarding you."

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