twenty three

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As usual, Mark had to look around the common room, ensure the little demon wasn't there, and close the door behind him. They were back to not speaking again, figuring that the arguments they had just weren't worth it.

As the ravenette walked slowly towards one of the many ceiling-to-floor windows encompassing the massive socialising space, he couldn't help but feel his patience melt away with the snow. Spring would come soon, even when Christmas was around the corner. Their winter arrived a bit too early, so now the snow had nowhere else to go.

Luckily, the scratches littering his back were healing up fine. He was partially worried they would scar, since Donghyuck would never give them a chance to recover before creating knew ones.

As he stared off into the distance, a pair of birds captured his attention. They were whizzing around with sticks in their beaks, possibly building their home, even when the harsh temperatures were against them. Nature could be so strong, yet Mark was such a weak excuse of a boy. He started to wonder that, had he been born as something else....would things have been different? Would he overthink things like he does now? Would he back out of tough situations? Was there a chance that he could've been normal?

Though what was normal, really? When surrounded by confident and sassy people who weren't quick to compliment, a lot of his self esteem had been stamped out along with his remaining childhood years.

His gaze faltered, shifting to the ground where his feet were blurring before his eyes. Small droplets of crystal clear water flecked across his shoes, some missing just to splash onto the carpet and disappear.

Am I....crying? He wondered, unable to even raise his hands to check. Suddenly, Mark just wanted to fade away, forget about school, the people he knew, the future he was supposed to realise. A petty fight with a boy he supposedly liked, was helping to him to notice how truly pathetic he was.

The doors flew open behind him on the other side of the room. The older still wasn't prepared to turn and see who it was.....the answer rather obvious.

"Ugh, why are you always around?!" The snide voice belonging to Donghyuck hissed, making Mark flinch slightly and blink. He chewed his lower lip while finally turning to see him.

Donghyuck couldn't help but let go of his scowl, viewing the glossy look dominating the other's eyes as precious tears trailed down along his cheekbones.

Mark's crying....? He thought with a slight pain in his chest. The sight alone was rare enough, since the older boy seldom ever broke down like this.

"Hey...." Hyuck murmured, "What are you doing?"

When the ravenette came to terms with the situation, he hurriedly spun back around to wipe his tears away, fanning his face with his hands quickly to calm down. Of all the places to act like a baby, he panicked internally, school? Fucking school, Mark!

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now