Not Quite Unrequited

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"Curtis Mega!" Tatiana stood with her hands on her hips, looking down at Curt, who was sprawled face-down on his bed, disapprovingly. "Get your butt up off that bed right this instant!"

"Why?!!!" Curt groaned, not lifting his head from the pillows. "Life is pointless. No one will ever love me and I'm going to die alone!"

Tatiana sighed heavily, looking down at the man she'd called her best friend for three years. "No, you're not, you're being dramatic."

"No, I'm not!" Curt wailed. He was drunk and lovesick, a horrible combination.

Tatiana moved to sit down on the bed. "Curt, you're drunk and can't think straight right now," she said as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Curt only sniffled some more.

"What no gay joke?" Tatiana asked when his silence continued.

"What's the point." He groaned and rolled over so he was looking up at the ceiling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tatiana asked, preparing herself for what was to come, once Curt got started talking about Owen it was hard to shut him up.

Owen Carvour, Curt's roommate, best friend, and the man Curt had fallen hopelessly in love with. And while Owen hadn't told her, Tatiana, of course, could plainly see that he had also fallen for Curt. The problem was Owen was an oblivious dumbass and did not realise Curt was in love with him. And Curt was too busy feeling sorry for himself that he didn't realise the same about Owen. However, Owen was a bit better and dealing with his emotions. Whereas, Curt, well, Curt tends to overreact.

Tonight they had gone out to a bar. Barb, Curt, and Owen had all gotten very drunk. Lightweights, Tatiana had called them. Then, Owen had the brilliant idea to begin flirting with other guys at the bar. Right in front of Curt. Curt, who was very intoxicated by this point, had gotten very angry and stormed out of the bar. Tatiana then arrived at his apartment and found him lying face down on his bed crying.

"It just hurts, you know?" Curt spoke at last.

"Yes, I do." Tatiana nodded. She had watched Barb be in love with Curt for quite some time before Barb had found out he was gay. Tatiana had never been as pining and dramatic as Curt, but she did know what it felt like to see someone you liked to flirt with other people.

"But it worked out for you and Barb," Curt said with a heavy sigh.

Tatiana kicked off her heels and curled her legs up onto the bed. "And do you want to know how?" Curt looked at her with wide pleading eyes and nodded. "I took a risk. I told her how I felt and asked her on a date."

"Were you scared?" Curt asked softly and laid his head on her shoulder.

"I fear nothing." Tatiana stroked his hair fondly. "But I did not know if my feelings were reciprocated or if she would give me a chance. But I had to know. I couldn't keep going if I didn't. If she had rejected me, it would have stung but at least I would have known and could have moved on." It hadn't come to that, but Tatiana had been prepared for the possibility.

"What should I do, Tati? He's just so...perfect."

"Owen isn't perfect, Curt, no one is." Tatiana chuckled. "And I've told you before that I'm sure Owen likes you too. I think you should take the risk and ask him." She smiled and continued stroking his hair comfortingly.

Curt had fallen asleep soon after and Tatiana had been very careful not to wake him up as she extricated herself from him. After throwing the comforter over him and placing out two aspirin for when he woke up with a hangover, she made her way out of Curt and Owen's apartment and next-door to her and Barb's.

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