Culhwch, the king of Tintagel

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Within Cornwall lies the mighty castle known as Tintagel.
Many who look upon it, would say that Tintagel is a fusion between Pierrefonds and the tower of London.
Who might be the King of such a mythical castle, well, it is none other than the cousin of Arthur and Madoc, King Culhwch.

King Culhwch sits within his throne room within his legendary castle of Tintagel.
One of Culhwch's knights comes before his King.
" My King I have news. The present King of Camelot, your cousin Madoc and your old friend Mabon ap Modron is coming to pay you a visit " said the knight.
King Culhwch had a joyous smile on his face.
" Prepare a mighty fest worthy of my cousin Madoc and my old friend Mabon, for soon, a banquet worthy of the gods shall be held in Tintagel " said King Culhwch with a mighty voice of a King.
His knight smiled and bowed and then set out to do as his King has commanded with his fellow servants.
King Culhwch sat back down on his golden throne and said
" I can not wait to see you, my dear cousin and old friend, for it has been TOO long.... " said King Culhwch who had a smile of a King.
But then King Culhwch remembered something
" Oh! I must tell my Queen! Olwen will be overjoyed to know that Madoc and Mabon are paying us a visit! " said King Culhwch who then ran to give his Queen the good news.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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