War Story One

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He sat by the exit of the Nemesis, waiting for their call. From where he sat, he could see the whole battle. Every shot, every explosion, every death.
"You think he'll call on us this time?" His brother sat next to him, eyeing the battle as well.
"It appears so..." He pointed his digit at Megatron, who had previously tapped the side of his helm. The com came through to them both just as he had predicted. Nothing really came as a surprise to the young seeker. He knew too much for his age, even if he were millions of years old. Every battle was carefully planned within his mind, replayed over and over until he memorized it. His sibling knew it too, from the unbreakable bond they had.
"Well, time for some aft kicking, eh?" He chuckled while pressing his knuckles together in front of his chassis.
"You read my mine!" The sarcastic remark made him roll his optics with a small smile before they both jumped from the ship. The sounds of blasters and explosions echoed in his audio receptors the closer they got to the ground. A few Autobots had spotted them, their optics burning into their frames. Before they both hit the ground, they activated the jets in their pedes to slow the fall.
"Showtime~" He hummed while selecting their targets. One target was blocked from the bond, even though his sibling had already knew from the way his optics glanced at the selected 'bot. The pair raced around, using their speed as an advantage. Where ever they went, a black and red blur followed. The adrenaline began its job at fuelling his addiction. He loved the way it gave him more energy, more strength. It only grew as he spotted his personal target...

The 'bot fought off the weaker, more fragile Decepticons with ease. Diversion smirked as the colour of his optics flashed a darker shade of red. Today, he was determined to complete something his leader had failed to do multiple times. He was going to fight the Prime, and he was determined to win this battle. Coldflame had abandoned him to go and have a bit of his own fun. It didn't take long for the Prime to offline the Decepticons, which meant Diversion had him to himself. His frame sparked with energy before he took off again, running to the Prime and swiftly dodging any attacks. The plan was going smoothly. He knew a lot about the Prime, since he studied him in every battle. He knew blind spots, weak points and his strengths. His sword met Prime's frame multiple times, in the right spots. All attack attempts were dodged. The only thing wrong, was that he was still going. Optimus would not give up, would not call the battle off. Diversion stopped dead in his tracks for only a moment. In that short second, Optimus used this advantage to draw his axe down on him. He looked up at the right time and tried to dodge it, but even he, was too slow. The blade of the axe took a large chunk from Diversion's stabilizer, as if anymore and it could of been torn off completely. He landed harshly on his chassis, grunting at the impact before rolling over to glare into Optimus' optics. Instead of making the final blow, he only glared back before walking away. The pain finally hit him, making him scream almost instantly while clutching his bleeding stabilizer. Energon spilled rapidly, the severed wires sparking. He looked around for his twin, but only realizing he was alone completely. The pain and shock distracted him from the battle being called off... From Megatron. More and more energon covered the ground below him as he called desperately over the bond for his twin. When that didn't work, he started yelling for anyone. He looked down at the wound, his vision going blurry instantly. His optics offlined and he fell back down limply...

He woke up to another wave of pain hitting him. The bright light above him blinding his vision. The pain made him jolt, only to be held down by restraints.
"Oh, you're awake... Terrible timing." The familiar voice of Knockout filled his audio receptors, making him calm down ever so slightly.
"Let me out you fool!" He spat, squirming while trying to break the metal plating around his servos and waist.
"After I fix this... Or whats left of it." Knockout grumbled, pulling a wire which made him shriek.
"I don't care! Let me out of this!" He roared loudly at the medic, making him jump slightly. Despite his attempts at escaping, the medic continued. He welded parts back together, some being welded wrong in punishment for moving. Diversion hated being restrained. It reminded him of the last time he was restrained. The medic refused him any sort of pain relievers, making this much more difficult. He jolted and squirmed, eventually passing back out from the pain. Knockout chuckled as his patient finally calmed down. This made the work much more easy, and he got it done less than half of an hour.

When he woke up for the second time, the restraints were off and Knockout was no where to be seen. The pain was little, making it tolerant. He instantly went to get up, only to collapse. His optics wandered to his stabilizer, which still held the gaping hole. This made him hiss in frustration and he sat back on the berth. His spark held worry and guilt, none of which was his.
"Coldflame?" He asked through the bond, a little bit coldly.
"Yea Divy... I'm here." Coldflame replied nervously.
"I need help..." His tone changed to that of an internal sigh, making Coldflame instantly get up and walk towards the medbay. The door opened to reveal the medic once more, making Diversion growl slightly.
"At least you're awake after I finish!" Knockout grumbled, walking over to Diversion. "You'll be fine... Just stay off it for awhile and it could possibly heal." Possibly? He panicked slightly, his optics dimming while continuing to look at the injury.
"Will I be able to fight?" The question was hesitant as if he didn't really want to know the answer. The silence Knockout gave only made him panic more. He had to fight! It wasn't an option! He was going to no matter what happened!
"I can repair it after it has-"
"No." He replied coldly. "I made the mistake, I must live with the consequences..." The medic looked at him questionably, but only shook his helm.
"Alright, it's your choice~" He hummed, going back to his work just as Coldflame entered the room.
"Well, you still look terrible." Coldflame chuckled and eyed the wound.
"We're twins you idiot..." He scoffed, glaring into his optics. "Anyways... You owe me."
"Owe you what?! For what?!" His sibling looked taken aback, raising an optic ridge.
"For leaving me behind..." Diversion growled, gritting his denta while going to get up again. He held his stabilizer so only the tip of his pede gently rested on the ground. "We're supposed to be siblings... Supposed to watch each others backs... And look what happens when you don't!" He snapped, making sure he knew he meant it. He wasn't one to get angry, but he was. This injury could cripple him... It had crippled him. It gave him a weakness that he didn't want. He limped past his brother and into the hall. After looking around, he placed his stabilizer down normally, ignoring the pain as we walked. This was what it was going to be for as long as he lived...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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