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Rain pelted the roof in gentle patterns as students bustled inside of the school; Rushing to get to their respective classes and greeting friends and acquaintances on the way. It was a normal morning. Well, normal for most...

"Sakuraaaa! Play with meee!" A whiny boy pleaded as he tugged on the girl in question's dress. She simply sighed, never showing even a glimpse of her raw irritation, and shrugged him off. The boy frowned, and his brows furrowed in frustration. "Aw, cmon! You never play with me anymore. Always saying, 'I have better things to do', or whatever." He mocked her in an overly feminine voice as he recited what she would always say to him.

'That's because I wish to avoid you.' Sakura thought idly to herself. Though, she'd never say that to his face. "That's because I do. You forget I'm still alive and have responsibilities to cater to that do not involve you, Tsukasa." She said instead. Her face blanks as the ghost whined yet again. Crocodile tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"If..." He spoke, voice a tad shaky as his brows knit together and his hands curled into fists. "If... If you don't play with me, I'll have someone exorcise me!" Tsukasa threatened, a familiar ominous glint shining in his golden eyes. He watched with great satisfaction as Sakura's eyes widened in shock. Lips parting as she gaped only the slightest bit.

Just as fast as the slightest bit of emotion shown on her face, however, it was gone.

Picking up her cup of tea and taking a small sip, Sakura looked away. Hooded green eyes dilated a smidge in shock. "You wouldn't do such a th-"

"Oh, I would!" Tsukasa cheered, smirking as the previous tears that threatened to spill over his cheeks disappeared. A cheeky expression plastered onto his face. "You clearly don't know me as well as you thought you did, Sakura!" He teased, fanged teeth glinting in the dim fluorescent lights scattered around the room.

A particularly loud rumble of thunder echoed just outside the school as it started raining harder. Sakura suppressed a flinch at the sudden noise; She despised thunderstorms more than almost anything. Them being just below Tsukasa in the list of things she disliked. The slightest frown made itself apparent on Sakura Nanamine's face, her eyes drooping a little more than usual.

A hand suddenly wrapped itself around her upper arm, an arm slinking around her shoulders along with it, which made Sakura jump a bit in her seat. A cheeky grin spread across Tsukasa's face at her obvious discomfort, and he only pressed himself closer to her. Enjoying the slight squirming she was doing as he spoke darkly. A shadow distorting his features.

"Yknow, if you don't listen to me, " Sakura struggled to muffle her surprised squeak at his rather menacing facial expression. "I might just have to punish you!~" Tsukasa chirped cheerfully, grinding from ear to ear.

Sakura could only nod, her bland expression never changing as she turned to face the ghost, "Very well, then. Which game shall we play?" She asked, and deadpanned as a knife was suddenly a bit too close to her face for comfort. The dull sounds of the storm raging outside doing nothing to help as a shiver ran up her spine.

"Let's play the knife game!" Tsukasa cheered, then promptly thrust the knife into Sakura's hands. Smirking as her nimble fingers fumbled with the weapon so she wouldn't accidentally stab herself. "You go first, Sakura!"

Sighing, the more mature of the two brushed her hair behind her hair as she nodded, placing one of her hands on the coffee table and raising the knife just above it. Her hand was shaking only enough for her to notice, and she took a deep breath to calm herself before bro gj g the knife down into the small space between her fingers.

As the game progressed, the speed at which Sakura was moving the knife increased. Her movements growing clumsy and forced as Tsukasa watched on in anticipation, a wide grin on his face. She came dangerously close to slicing off the tip of her index finger a few times, and nearly sliced into the side of her ring finger, but managed to avoid it with small, quick movements.

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