POV: You are cursed emoji.
As you walk down the halls of the school, you realize that you are all by yourself. Everyone has gone to class without you. You have to run to class to get there on time, but the hall monitor is in the hallway. If you run, the hall monitor might get you in trouble. But if you walk at a normal speed, you might just be late to class, and that may get you in trouble. You decide to speed-walk to class. As you strut across the hallway, the hall monitor glares at you. As you are walking, you realize that you aren't paying attention to where you are going, and then bump into someone. Its was a girl, with big sparkly eyes, a bow on her head, and wearing a pink skirt and a t-shirt. You introduce each other, then realize that you are both lost. You then hear the bell ring. You are late to class. As the hall monitor looks at you both, he says, "Hey! Class has already started!" As you and the girl ran to be on time, another teacher grabs you both by the shoulder and tells you both that you are both going to detention after school.
To be continued.