Chapter 1 : Home

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Words....... words...... and more words.

The old professor monotonously read out the lines on the classic novel opened wearily in front of him. Except for a few students, it was obvious that no one was actually paying attention to him.........and Chaewon was one of them.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire....." The professor emphasized on each word but it was no use as Chaewon's brain wasn't registering any of them.

The junior college student majoring in architecture yawned softly as she covered her mouth with her palm. This whole thing was draining the life out of her.

She didn't get why an architecture major needed to take a literature class.

"Fucking university" She muttered bitterly under her breath while grabbing a fistful of her hair as she twirled her pen in between her slender fingers.

The voice of the professor echoed through the lecture hall as he continued to read the lines.

Was it from 'Hamlet'? Chaewon didn't know(She didn't exactly care either).

All she wanted right now was to go back home and get under the warm comfy blankets of her bed.

".....But never doubt i love"

The last word the professor said perked Chaewon's interest.

"Love huh?" She mumbled to herself as a soft smile made its way into her face, a certain brunette entering her thoughts.

Chaewon couldn't wait to see her.

Luckily for her, this was the last class but unfortunately, time seemed to be dragging on forever.

Chaewon held in her breath as she desperately stared at the minute hand of the clock, wishing for the bell to ring already.

Her prayers were answered.

The moment the bell rung, the short haired girl let out a exasperated sigh as she stretched on her chair.

Finally, the day was over. She could finally go home.

Tying her hair into a tiny ponytail at the back and tucking away the strands of hair falling in front her face behind her ears, Chaewon stood up and perched her white bag over her shoulders.

Then she made her way back to her apartment, where she knew someone was already waiting for her.

"Minju-ya I'm home" Chaewon called out for the girl as she entered the apartment.

Hearing the call, a brunette popped out from the kitchen with a dorky smile on her face. One that showed her dimples and make her eyes crinkle in the cutest way possible.

Chaewon could never get tired of seeing that smile.

"Oh You're back" The girl smiled wider as Chaewon slowly approached her and wrapped her arms around her neck.

Pressing a chaste kiss onto Minju's soft lips Chaewon hugged the girl tight, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Exhausted?" Minju cooed as she gently caressed her girlfriend's hair, receiving a lazy nod in return "Go wash up... I'm making you some dinner".

"Hmm...." Chaewon whined, pulling Minju even closer to her, nuzzling into the crook of her neck "Don't want to"

Minju couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's clingy actions. To her, a tired Chaewon was adorable. She was extra clingy.

"Unnie You probably should" Minju spoke as she twirled the shorter girl's hair with her fingers "No washing up means no cuddles for tonight"

As soon as those words reached Chaewon, she quickly distanced herself from Minju and stared into the brunette's eyes.

"Shut up, you wouldn't" Chaewon scoffed in disbelief "You love cuddling with me"

"Hell yeah I would" Minju backed up her claims with a fact "I have the nose of a dog"

"More like a frog"

"Unnie!" Minju rolled her eyes, but not letting go of the girl's waist.

She leaned down and pressed a soft peck on Chaewon's nose, making the 'older' girl scrunch up her face.

"Go wash up okay? I'm about to finish making dinner"

This time Chaewon listened to her girlfriend and reluctantly retracted her arms before making her way to the bathroom.

However a few seconds later, Chaewon appeared from the room and came back to Minju again.

"Forgot this" Chaewon tip-toed and kissed Minju who was about to nag her.

Slowly moving her lips against the girl's, Chaewon cupped Minju's cheek with one hand while another rested on the brunette's nape.

Although surprised, Minju responded with the same intensity, softly clenching on Chaewon's shirt.

Today just like any other days, Chaewon tasted like mint, a taste Minju had already grown accustomed to due to the former using mint lip balm.

Chaewon mischievously tugged on Minju's lower lip with her teeth, earning a whine and a breathy moan Chaewon found cute.

They pulled away after a while, mostly because of Chaewon's need for oxygen, pressing their foreheads together.

Chaewon pecked Minju's lips one last time before heading towards the bathroom.

They were both so in love.


Placing the plate of kimchi fried rice in front of Chaewon on the dining table, Minju took off her apron and opened the fridge, taking out a packet with the label "Tomato Juice".

Sitting opposite her girlfriend, Minju smiled softly as she saw Chaewon munch down the food she made.

The sight warmed her heart.

Feeling the weight of the stare on her, Chaewon looked up and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why're you staring?" Chaewon asked with her mouth full of food.

"Because you look pretty"

Chaewon scoffed at her answer before taking another bite.

"I have to question your taste in women if you find someone stuffing her mouth with food as if she hadn't eaten for days pretty, Kim Minju-ssi"

"Well she's still the most beautiful person in my eyes, no matter what she's doing"

Chaewon almost choked at the girl's reply. Not only was it cheesy, it sounded equally sincere. So sincere that it made Chaewon's stomach flip 180 degrees and made her blood rush to her ears.

Laughing out loud at her reaction, Minju handed Chaewon a cup of water which the latter downed in one shot.

"Cute little thing" Minju cooed, jokingly earning a glare from the other girl.

Leaning on the table, Minju popped a straw into the packet and sucked the red liquid, savoring it's taste on her tongue.

As expected, it tasted good today as well.

However as usual, it wasn't fresh.

"What type is it today?" Chaewon asked as she emptied her plate.

"B. My favorite" Minju replied, sipping the liquid.

Her words made Chaewon bring a hand to her own neck.

Chaewon blushed as she remembered that her blood type was B and the numerous times in the past where Minju would so carefully bite on her neck, her fangs penetrating the skin as she sucked her blood.

Yes, Minju is a vampire. A vampire that feeds on blood.

However to Chaewon, it didn't matter. At the end of the day, Minju would still be Minju. The only one occupying Chaewon's heart.

She will always be her home, no matter what.
This is a domestic fluff au so don't worry about any angst~ it'll be all fluff~ I hope~

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