twenty six

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And so the fun ended. The little week of bliss, their reprieve from real life, finished. Mark and Donghyuck secretly longed for it back, to even be given just a few more days to act like kids again.

It was already lunch time on the Sunday afternoon, and most boys had returned to school. People were either unpacking, gossiping, whining, or many other similar things.

Mark had been honest with Donghyuck that morning, letting him know of their nighttime activities. The younger merely gave him a faint smile to let him know that it was fine, and as long as they remained secretive, no harm was done.

Though in the common room, now filled with boys, Donghyuck and Mark split in their separate ways, sitting with their respective friends.

"Ugh, my mother made me go to my aunt's birthday party," Renjun sighed, running his hand through his brown hair. "And let me tell you people, alcohol isn't as good as the adults make it seem. It's so gross."

"Why did you even try it?" Chenle frowned, half paying attention, half playing on his phone.

"I'm nearly eighteen, Idiot. Nobody cared."

I'd almost forgotten how boring life was, the oldest thought to himself quite blandly, resting his clasped hands on his knees while pretending to care. Mark's eyes would occasionally flick over to Hyuck, who seemed to be having fun with Jeno and Jisung. Why can't those three come over here?

"Oh yeah, how was your week alone with the Demon?" Jaemin questioned cutely, having re-dyed his hair to top up his blue. "He looks all smug, actually."

The oldest flinched, trying not to follow his gaze and act liked he cared enough. "It was fine. We get along a lot better now...."

"Do you still have that crush on him?" Chenle asked before Renjun slapped a hard hand over his mouth.

"Do you have any discrete bone in your body?"

"I laugh like a dolphin!" The younger hissed after removing his hand, "Discretion isn't in my genetic make up!"

"Guys, let's not do this right now," Mark sighed, massaging his temples wearily and moving his hands down to prop his face up boredly. "But yes, I still like him."

"Cute," a high voice chirped, and the sofa sunk down beside the ravenette. "Hi, Mark, it's been a week."

"Ten?! Hey, I missed you!" The younger smiled excitedly, accepting the older's hug quite willingly and pulling away as the Thai asked a question.

"I just had to come and see how you were doing. Glad to see it looks like you've caught up on sleep!" His eyes sparkled knowingly, "So did everything go okay?"

Mark nodded meekly, a small and cute blush creeping onto his cheeks as he looked away and glanced at the receiver of his affections across the room. "I think I'd call this week a success."

Renjun nodded along as he watched the exchange, starting to wish for better for Mark. All this pain and heartbreak the older was experiencing was honestly, quite depressing. Though what could he or the others possibly do?

Meanwhile, Donghyuck never failed to notice the frequent looks he was receiving. His eyes, as well, had accidentally trailed over to the insomniac on multiple occasions, causing him to wonder why. His teeth gritted together every time he saw Ten getting all cosy and affectionate with him, chewing his nerves like a rabbit chews cables.

You're older than him! He wanted to yell, go find someone your own bloody age!

"I'm glad you're both getting along now," Jisung beamed warmly, looking quite spritely after the week long break. "Mark's a good guy.....It was honestly pretty sad watching you both fight all the time."

Donghyuck forced a tight lipped smile before shifting his gaze to Mark once again. "Yeah.....You could say we talked things out."

"There wasn't bloodshed," Jeno groaned, knowing the look of mischief gracing his best friend's eyes, "Was there?"

"God no! I'm not a rebel, Jen!"

"You say that, but....."

Jisung giggled along with him as their brunette friend huffed and continued to subtly watch the senior mess about with the ravenette. What even is their relationship?


"I'll see you guys later," Hyuck waved to his two friends as they jogged off to reach the door. It was late afternoon, so most people were retiring to bed for a quick power nap. The brunette, however, had slept enough throughout his holiday and didn't need the extra time, so remaining in the school was going to have to pass his time.

His feet guided him to nowhere in particular, leaving him to think too much as he wandered the empty halls. The sound of his shoes tapping off the old stone echoed around the ancient walls, and he pulled his jacket further around himself for warmth.

With his head low and mind preoccupied, he barely noticed the boy walking towards him. In fact, it took a collision of their shoulders for him to realise he wasn't alone any longer.

"Whoops, sorry," the now very familiar face apologised, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Ten," Donghyuck breathed out with obvious irritation. "I wasn't watching either....."

"Oh," the ravenette pursed his lips, "I didn't even see you." His phone was rested in his hands, explaining how neither noticed the impact incoming.

Well, I guess now that we're here and alone, I could ask about it, Donghyuck thought, straightening himself out and putting on a stronger air. "You're a friend of Mark's, right?"

Ten, who could instantly see where this was going with the shift in the hall's vibe, couldn't help but suppress a knowing smile. "I am. Why?"

"Is that it? Friendship?"

"Unless you come out with the question you're really attempting to ask here, I won't know how to answer," the Thai leaned in a bit, making up for his lack of height with knowledge and wisdom.

Donghyuck faltered, noting that he wasn't messing with an idiot here. "Fine, I'll just say it. Are you courting him? Hitting on him? Seducing him? However I put it, you'll understand......And I'll say this now, I'll stand in your way."

Ten briefly took a moment to comprehend his words, now confirming that Mark's crush clearly felt similar emotions, and probably couldn't tell. He had seen this all before in boys. "How will you do it? Hm? What if I asked him tonight, and he said 'yes'? Would you wreck it?"

The older couldn't help but tease, already having a crush of course, yet wanting to play for a minute.

"Of course I will," Donghyuck responded darkly, shoving the senior back slightly as a warning. "Try it, and you'll have snakes in your bed. I hope you understand."

Ten watched as the boy walked away confidently, turning his back to him to smile widely and cover his face. Oh Mark, you've really chosen a fighter....

He couldn't wait to see how this relationship bloomed in front of him.

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𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now