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"Victoria, are you alright?" My best friend Fiona calls from the other side of the bathroom stall.

I let out one more ounce of puke. Looking away from the toilet, I rip off a few squares of toilet paper and wipe my mouth. As I swallow to speak, I cringe at the taste in my mouth. "Y-yeah. I think it's food poisioning. My mom did make dinner last night." I say half jokingly. I hear her laugh. I flush the toilet and stand, making sure no evidence is left. When I unlock the stall and swing the door open, Fiona is at the mirror applying lip gloss. When you first look at Fiona, you expect her to be one of those preppy, snobby, rich kid white girls. Even though she dresses preppy, she's so sweet. I once asked her to swat a fly, and she almost broke down in tears. She said that I am "inhuman and a bloodlustful monster for killing such an innocent thing." I told her that flies shit on everything.

She puts away the lip gloss, smacksher lips once, then twice, before turning to me. Her face twists up. "Girl, we need to freshen you up." She pulls out some kind of perfume and prays me down. The scent of fruit hits my nosrtils. The smell of vomit disappeared. "There." She smiles.

"Thanks. I didn't want to smell like the bleachers." I wink at her. She opens her mouth to say something, but stops short. "And don't worry. My lips are sealed."

As we leave the bathroom, she crosses her arms over her chest. "That day was horrible, and I would appreciate it if you didn't bring it up again." She points her nose up into the air like a snobby cheerleader. 

I laugh. "All right." Walking down the hallway, I overhear people talking about Bethany White's party last night. I decided to ignore them before I got too interested.

Suddenly, Fiona nudges me and chin-points ahead of us. Following her chin-point, I spot Ryan James. I literally freeze on the spot. Will he remember me? Has he told everyone? Will he like me? "There's prince charming." Fiona says to me.

Grabbing her arm, I twist around, yanking her with me. When we got to the other side of the hall, I grab both of her shoulders and turned her to face me. "I do not care about Ryan James." I'm a liar. 

Fiona raises an eyebrow. "Riiight."

"I'm serious. I won't bring up the bleachers if you don't bring up him." Fiona stares at me wide eyed before nodding. As we walk back down the hall, also passing Ryan, to our next class, I kept catching Fiona giving me suspicious looks.


I am in major deep shit right now. I was supposed to get my period a week ago, but it's not showing. I know the best plan is to talk to my parents, but there's no way in hell I am.. or will. Grabbing five dollors off my dresser and sliding on my gray hoodie, I go downstairs and tell my mom I'm going for a walk and will be home before dinner. I walk outside and to the small gas station down the street. It makes me walk easier knowing that no one from my school goes to this one besides me. When I walk inside, I walk right past all the junk food that I normally get when I come here, and straight to the feminine products. I scan my eyes over pads, tampons, etc, until I find what I'm looking for. I grab a three pack off the shelf and go to the check out counter. The old dude eyes the box then me, but still rings up the product. I pay and he hands me the bag.

I start walking home, but then realizing that my mom will question the bag. Taking the tests out, I shove them between my boobs and throw the bag away. The perfect hiding place. When I walk through the front door, death hits me in the face. She's cooking. Hurring up to the bathroom, I close the door quietly and lock the door. I carefully take out the tests and do one after another.

After ten minutes I check them. My heart and stomach fell all the way down to Tartarus, maybe further.

Three positive pregnancy tests stab me in the heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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