Episode - 1

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A little girl probably of the of  7, was baricated due to the railings, at the edge of the terrace while shredding warm tears for her lovingly mother who had fallen off the the edge of it.

She was watching the dreadful scenario until she was pulled into a warm and caring hug from behind, knowing it was none other than her father she broke down into heavy rain-pourings and buried her face in her father's flat and broad chest.

He was trying not to cry in front of his daughter because it wouldn't help their situation but watching his daughter's miserable and poor condition, he could no longer resist his tears which eventually tears tracked down his eyes like a stream.

He cried his heart out embracing his daughter tightly as he was afraid to let go of her, becoming a crying mess.

Little Y/n - " D-dad........d-d-did m-mommy l-left us f-for-ever."

She somehow uttered between her cried and waited for his response. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out except of sobbings.

His heart was aching so bad that he couldn't uttered a single word.

His guilt for not being able to come in time and save his honey, love, wife and most importantly the mother of his children was killing him inside as he shred more tears.

He somehow managed to speak clearly, clearing his throat.

Dad - " L-let's go downstairs, okay? "

She nodded and silently followed him from behind. They both had tears in their eyes blurring their vision but they managed to come down.

But when they came down, it was even more worst when they saw her lying lifeless on the ground, all drenched in her own blood, eyes closed with pale skin.

They quickly rushed towards her.

Me.Lee's / Dad's p.o.v.

When I reached her I felt my knees weaken and I fell on my knees hitting the hard concrete road hard. I don't care if it gets bruised or not. All I could think of was...... my honey.

When I saw her lifeless my heart shattered into pieces, her breathing were no longer there. Her face was pale due to lack of oxygen. Her lips were parted lifelessly. Her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping in a deeper slumber.

When I was tracing her miserable yet horrifying state, without my realisation my tears left my eyes.
It was like a dreadful nightmare I could ever think of, losing my honey.

Soon I was drifted back to reality when I heard a siren of police and ambulance following it.

They quickly made their way to us and I held y/n with myself. I looked over to her and realised that she was a crying mess.

Soon the police covered the area and the nurses were taking her Dead body to the van.

Police - " Sir you should go back to your house we will discuss the case afterwards."

I nodded and made my way to the car with y/n. As I opened the car I helped y/n to faster her seatbelt and noticed that she was still crying.

I hugged her and gently patted her head and softly said

Dad - " Y/n sweetie please don't cry.  You will make Mommy sad."

As I said she looked at me with her ready eyes and said.

Little Y/n - " Dad I miss Mommy."

She cried more and hugged me tightly I was on the verge of breaking down. Somehow I managed to control myself and patted her head while pulling away from the hug and settled her on the seat comfortably and drove away from that horrible place.

On our way back to home we stopped at the signal where we saw a family crossing the road happily.

Tears started forming in my eyes upon seeing them but I blinked them away and looked at y/n she was already crying. Well I couldn't blame her, it is not her fault to miss her mom.

I caress her head softly and said

Dad - " Don't worry sweetie everything will be fine, I hope so."

I mumbled the last words only to myself, feeling devastated.

All of a sudden the signal showed green light. I geared the engine and went to home.

Author's p.o.v.

They both entered the house greeted by the maids who were also worried for them.

None of them uttered a single word and went to their rooms shocked.

Dad's p.o.v.

I entered into my room feeling numb I went to the frame which contains our family photo a tear slipped out of my eyelids as I remembered the happy moments we spent together.

I let out small sobs when those memories flashed through my mind.
I mumbled to myself.

Dad - " I couldn't believe you left me, honey."

My gaze turned back to the frame and I glanced down only to find my little daughter sitting on her lap.

That was when I could no longer resist my cries and I immediately broke down in heavy rain-pours.

If I would have come a little earlier     y/n must have her mother alive. Now she couldn't call her, talk to her, touch her, play with her in real.

The scene when she pushed y/n aside and got hit by the shot before falling off the terrace flashed my mind bringing more insecure and warm tears.

I mumbled again thanking her.

Dad - " T.thank you honey... T-thank you so m-much for saying our y-y/n.....I-f y-you wouldn't have saved her s-she won't be here. Thank y-uou-."

I said feeling guilt for not being able to come on time. Why didn't I got that shot??? Why her???.

Then it hit me Y/n, she must be crying by now I should go to her.
I placed the frame back to it's place and went to her room.

Little Y/n's p.o.v.

As I came back I went to my bed and sat at the corner of the bed. My cries became louder thinking about the incident.

I was crying that I didn't realised when I slipped from the bed and ended up in the floor.

I hugged my knees closed to my chest and cried harder remembering Mommy.

Little Y/n - " Mommy-ah I miss you already. Please come back."

I cried until I felt a hand caressing my head slowly so I looked up to the person and found my dad sitting beside me with a soft smile.

I hugged him tightly and cried in his warm embrace he patted my back and I felt safe soon I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I didn't realised when I drifted into a slumber.

Dad's p.o.v.

I was embracing her while trying to comfort her as it was not good for her to keep crying.

Soon I heard soft snorings and found my little sweetie has already drifted into dreamland.

I holded her up and placed her on the bed.  She was shivering a little so I tucked her in the duvet and was about to leave but I felt a hand clutching on my shirt tightly, therefore preventing me to go.

I heaved a sighed as I heard her mumbling as if she was about to cry.

Little Y/n - " Please don't leave me."

I bent down and laid on the bed beside her she hugged me tightly as if she was afraid to lose my warmth.

Dad - " Don't worry princess. I won't leave you. I promise. Sweet night."

As I said those words her tensed figure easen a bit and she drifted to deeper slumber again.

Soon I also drifted to slumber remembering my honey before wishing her 'goodnight'.
           -To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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