Chanyeol was lost in Japan.
Not the theoretical or philosophical kind of lost, he was literally, physically lost in Japan.
Standing in the middle of nowhere, with loads of traffic buzzing all around him, he deeply regretted his lack of planning. Tamara had always nagged him about his reckless decisions and his reliance on spontaneity. And now he understood why.
This was perhaps one of his many follies which led to their break up. However it was this very folly which had given him the courage to drag himself to Japan and patch things up with her.
It had been an ordinary Wednesday morning, about four months since their break up when chanyeol had been looking through the naver images of various Japanese hotels for his college project- a comparative study on the interior design of hotels of different Asian countries. It was while looking through these images that he found that photo. Of her.
It was a group photo of employees of Sakura Hotel,Tokyo. His eyes had instantly caught sight of the tall girl with her beautiful auburn hair. Tamara.
After their breakup, they had completely lost touch for Chanyeol had heard from a few of their mutual friends that Tamara had moved to a foreign nation and she did not use any social media.
Chanyeol had thought that their break up was what was best for the both of them. While Tamara had instigated their separation, Chanyeol too had begun feeling miserable in the relationship.
However, within a month he had realised that even though he felt miserable with her, that misery was nothing in comparison to what he felt without her.They had been dating since the first year of their under grad programme and now almost done with his post grad, he was too used to her presence, he even missed her nagging, he craved it.
Within months his longing for her had turned into desperation and when he saw that picture, he couldn't control his excitement.
He booked the earliest flight to Tokyo, packed his bags and left everything behind to find his love. It must have been true love, he had told himself, for nothing else could explain this desperation. He hoped that Tamara felt the same.
Now 27 hours, 1159 kilometres and hours of nail biting later, he was in Tokyo.
However,as Aishabella Sheikh in an entirely different context had said, 'love was not an easy thing to find on this island.'As soon as he landed, it was as if mishaps got their cue to begin performing their duty.
His cab driver cancelled on him, citing a lame excuse for this cancellation. Chanyeol had tried calling the cab company only to find his international SIM card defective.
Albeit there were cabs outside the airport, they only performed the pick and drop service and not the kind that chanyeol was in need of. Since there were two Sakura hotels in Tokyo, he needed the driver for more than just one location.The airport staff had suggested Chanyeol to hire a cab from Kim Cabs which apparently was nearby and had given him instructions on how to reach the place. Now, the instructions did sound simple at that time but after an hour of aimlessly wandering around, he was seriously reconsidering his decision.
Chanyeol was lost in Japan.
Seeing a young man walk past him, on the pavement, he decided to ask him for the directions for he clearly was making no progress.
"Excuse me?" Chanyeol said.
No response.
"Excuse me?? He repeated himself, louder this time.
Still no response.
Chanyeol noticed the guy had AirPods in his ears. Catching up to him, Chanyeol tapped on his shoulder.

Lost In Japan[Completed, Quick Read]
Fanfiction"Chanyeol had thought that he was lost but somehow, sitting beside him, he had never felt more found." Chanyeol decides to embark upon a trip across Japan to mend things with his ex girlfriend, only to find the most arrogant yet adorable, rude yet u...