Reputation rankings:
1. Emperor - 2000 points - Entitled to own an empire which must consist of at least 5 Kingdoms merged together.
2. King - 1500 points - Entitled to own a kingdom that must have at least 2 High-tier cities including a capital.
3. Duke - 1200 points - Entitled to create/own a city that must be at least, 1/4th of the Kingdom's territory. Can alternatively be appointed as city lord for the capital city.
4. Minor Duke - 1000 points - Entitled to create/own a town that must not grow to more than 1/10th of the Kingdom's territory. Can alternatively be appointed city lord for a High-tier city.
5. High Noble - 700 points - Entitled to be appointed as a city lord for a Mid-tier city. Total Immunity from the law starts from here.
6. Noble - 500 points - Entitled to be appointed as city lord for a Small-tier city. Major immunity to the law.
7. Minor Noble - 300 points - Entitled to take a governmental position as well as special rights to land in any small-tier city. Can alternatively be appointed a lord of a maximum of 5 towns. Minor immunity to the law.
8. Lord - 100 points - Entitled to be appointed as a lord of a town. No other powers.
Treasure Chest rankings:
1. Divine Chest - priceless - 70% chance for a legendary item, 30% chance for a divine item.
2. Legendary Chest - 300,000 platinum at least - 70% chance for an epic item, 30% chance for a legendary item.
3. Epic Chest - 3,000 platinum at least - 70% chance for an rare item, 30% chance for a epic item.
4. Rare Chest - 100 platinum at least - 70% chance for an uncommon item, 30% chance for a rare item.
5. Uncommon Chest - 10 Platinum at least - 70% chance for an common item, 30% chance for a uncommon item.
6. Common Chest - 1 platinum - 70% chance for an trash-tier item, 30% chance for a common item.
Weapon/Item Rankings:
1. Artifacts- priceless - Non-existent drop rate
2. Divine - Priceless - Non-existent drop rate
3. Legendary - 1,000,000 Platinum - 0.000000000001% drop rate for monsters above Colonel rank
4. Epic - 500,000 Platinum - 0.1% drop rate for monsters above Major rank.
5. Rare - 100 Platinum - 10% drop rate for monsters above Captain rank
5. Uncommon - 10 Gold - 20% drop rate for6.onsters above Lieutenant rank
7. Common - 1 Gold - 70% drop rate for monsters above Sergeant rank
8. Trash-tier - Price tag cannot be given to rubbish - Check your neighbor's garbage can, you'll definitely find one or two.
Hidden Weapon/Item Rankings:
1. Semi-Legendary
2. Pseudo-Legendary
3. Semi-Epic
4. Pseudo-Epic
(The above rankings only apply to player made items)
Monster Rankings:
1. World - Minimum 100,000,000 HP - World boss tier monster
2. Divine - Minimum 10,000,000 HP - Continental boss tier monster
3. legendary - Minimum 1,000,000 HP - Regional boss tier monster
4. Unique - Minimum 100,000 HP - Dungeon boss tier monster
5. Epic - Minimum 10,000 HP - Mini-Dungeon boss tier monster
6. Rare - Minimum 1,000 HP - Party tier boss monster
7. Uncommon - Minimum 500 HP - Common monster
8. Common - Minimum 100 HP - Cannon fodder monster
Item/Potion/Consumable quality ranking:
1. Perfect - 100% effectiveness
2. Exquisite - 70% effectiveness
3. Superb - 50% effectiveness
4. Notable - 30% effectiveness
5. Average - 10% effectiveness
6. Poor - 1% effectiveness
Endless: Hell's Swordsmen
FantasyWhat happen when the entire world plays a FIVR game called Endless. What happens when only 0.5% of players are chose by the A.I to own Artifacts -which comes in any for from mana to items- that make you 10x stronger than everyone else. WHAT happen...