Origin Story

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Ariella looks out the window of the car as the storm rages outside, for some reason she always knew this day would come, where she would be removed from that school, maybe the town entirely. Her parents thought she was an early bloomer, her teachers and the town's people  thought she was  just down right crazy! How can a teenager burn down half of the town in a single day. She should learn to control her emotions more and stop being very unstable.
Going all the way across to another school, in a new town she didn't feel any guilt nor regret. It was her parents fault anyway, they are the ones that pushed her over the edge. She felt relieved that she was finally going to be among people like her, she knew a little about the history of the school. The school of dark magic was like the modern day military school. For the hard headed and strong willed. She heard they broke the strongest of wills, the most sinister teenagers went in and came out different, it was like they experienced something life changing in that school. Either way she was about to find out for herself.

They were approaching the school, from a distance the gates looked normal but as she got closer she realized that this were not normal gates, they were extremely large, and the fence was towering, it felt like she was entering a prison complex but that was not what worried her the most, if it was to keep things from entering the school it would have been fine but from what she has heard about this "school", she was pretty sure it was to keep the "things" inside from escaping. On entering the school compound they drove to the administrative  block where they met the principal who was waiting for there arrival, he greeted her parents and they all moved into the building then to his office leaving Ariella out in the hallway.

She took a seat next to a girl of her age, the girl didn't look like she was in the mood to talk and Ariella was not a conversation person herself. As they sat outside the office in silence two boys walked up to them, the taller one had his hands in his pockets and the other had a smirk on his face, they both were staring at Ariella.
The one with his hands in his pocket was the first to speak, "What's the problem this time Lisa?"  He was talking to the girl who sat beside Ariella. "There not giving you enough assignments in class?" He joked. Lisa is a bookworm, the type that would go to school on Saturday even if there was no class. She didn't answer his questions, rather she looked at two of them suspiciously and asked "Why are both of you here Blaze?" She knew the answer already but she just wanted to hear them say it. "We heard that a new student was coming in today" the other guy answered. He walks to stand in front of Ariella and extends his hand for a handshake "Hi, I'm Ganda a wizard of the first order",  she looks at his hand then at his smirking face before shaking his hand "I'm Ariella, just Ariella."

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