Pack sleep over

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Lydia is all packed up and waiting for Stiles to pick her up so they can go to Derek's for a pack sleepover. She waits for 5 minutes while sitting and playing on her phone when she hears the door bell ring. She grabs her back and goes to the door to open it. "Hey Lydia" Stiles says with a big smile. "Hey Stiles I'm all packed and everything" she says smiling back. He nods and says "okay let's go Derek already ordered pizza." Then they get in Stiles Jeep and drive to  Derek's loft. When they get there everyone in the pack is already there. They walk to the door and Stiles knocks. Derek opens the door and gives him a confused look. "You don't gotta knock you know that." Stiles nods then walks inside. Lydia follows and is holding her big pink bag. She puts her bag on a shelf by the door and walked farther inside. Erica immediately ran to her and hugged her. "Erica I literally saw you in school like 3 hours ago" Lydia says while hugging her back. Erica just lets go and shrugs. Derek walks past them and says "I ordered 2 damn pizzas you guys better eat it." They laugh then make their way to the kitchen. They get there pizza then join everyone in the living room. Everyone is on comfortable on the Except Derek Because he has a special chair only he gets to sit in. Erica takes the last open spot on the couch and sits by Boyd. She sighs and goes sit on the ground but Peter moves over as much as he possibly can and says "Lydia sit down on the couch." She looks a bit then confused and everyone else looks at him also confused. "Just sit down in less your truly content with sitting on the floor." He says giving her a smirk. She is still is confused but sits next to him so that she didn't have to sit on the floor. After she sits down she doesn't realize that she's sitting so close to Peter that there almost touching. She just eats her pizza and doesn't think much of it. After they all eat there pizza and watch a movie their trying to think of stuff to do. "Derek you got any games" Stiles says with a big smile. Derek smiles a bit but shakes his head. "Let's fight" Peter says as he playfully pushes Lydia. She catches her balance and look at him with a annoyed look. Erica then says "we should have a pillow fight but no werewolf strength." Derek gives her a look and says "Erica you are 17 and 18 olds were not having a pillow fight." Erica slowly slide Stiles a pillow Peter saw it and smiled. Stiles took the pillow and whips it at Derek. It hits him in the face and all of the pack laughs. "See Derek it's fun" Stiles says while still laughing. Derek picks up the pillow and throws it at Stiles. "Fine just no werewolf strength and don't break anything or I'll fucking kill you" Derek says with a glare at everyone. They all nod and smile. Everyone grabs a pillow and step a bit away from each other. "Go" Derek yells. Stiles immediately tries to hit Derek but misses and Derek hits him the face. Scott throws his across the room and try's to hit Peter but he ducks just in time. Through all the chaos no one hits Peter but he hit everyone. Everyone tries but he dodged every one. Lydia sneaks up behind him and hits him on the back of the head. He turns and sees its Lydia that him. "I thought we're friends Lydia" he says jokingly. "Guess not" she says joking back. She goes to hit him again but he dodged it and the pillow falls out of her hands. Peter takes the pillow and puts both pillows that are in his hands up. "Well looks like we got a problem" he says before hitting her with the pillows. She laughs and protects her face. She then just pushes him and he completely loses his balance and falls to the floor. Lydia laughs and smiles. He immediately pulls her the ground and she lands right next to him. "You push me down I drag you down with me" Peter says with a laugh. Lydia laughs to and smiles. Peter lets go of the pillows and kinda lays their. She punches him playfully on the shoulder and says "thanks for dragging me down." Derek then yells that the pillow fight is over. Erica looks over the couch and sees them laying side by side and says "what are you guys doing." They both laugh and explain and Erica looks at them like there weird. They get off the ground and sit on the couch together. They all watch another movie and all of them start getting really tired. "Okay I'm going to sleep now any of you wake me up I will rip your throat out" Derek says as he stands up. Stiles is in the kitchen and as Derek passes he says "Stiles if you want you can sleep in my chair the couch isn't that comfortable and I know you don't wanna sleep on the floor only you can." Stiles nods and smiles. " awesome thanks Derek" he says with a big smile. Derek smiles back and nods "goodnight Stiles." Stiles takes a sip of drink and says "night Derek." Derek is still smiling when he walks into and closes the door. Derek takes off his jeans and shirt then climbs into bed.  Stiles walks into the living room with a small smile still on his lips. He grabs his blanket and sits in Derek's chair. "Daring move there Stiles" Peter says with a smirk. Stiles smiles and says "Derek told me I can sleep here." They all looked at him surprised. "Interesting" is all Peter can say. Then he says "alright night everyone." Lydia is smiling a bit but doesn't know why. "Night Peter" all the betas say in unison. Before going to bed he goes to his room grabs a spare blanket and walks back out. He throws it to Lydia and says "your the only one without a blanket so there you go." She smiles and says "thanks Peter." All of the other betas look at them with interested look. He waves then goes to his room and changes before going to sleep. Lydia unfolds the blanket and wraps it around herself and her place on the couch. "Why is he being so nice to you" Erica says with her one eye brow higher then the other showing her very confused expression. "I don't maybe he's feels guilty for messing with my head" Lydia says with a shrug. Erica looks at the rest of the betas with a little smirk. "Or he's into you" Erica says now smirking at Lydia. Lydias eyes widened with surprise. "No way your insane" Lydia says now leaning up to face Erica. "I don't know but he seems to like you a lot" Erica says with a devious smile. "We're just friends nothing more so fuck off" she says while flipping off Erica but not actually meaning it. Erica rolls her eyes and lays down in Boyds arms. Issac then says "well I'm going to sleep in my room." Scott gives Issac a look the other betas don't understand then he says "can I sleep in your room there's to many people on this couch." Issac nods and puts his hands on his chin to hide a smile. Scott immediately gets up and says goodnight to everyone. The rest of the betas say goodnight then Scott and Issac disappear into Issacs room. All of the rest of the betas look at each other with a look. "We all thinking the same thing here" Erica says with a devious smile. They all nod and laugh. Then everyone falls asleep.

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